Resolution 02602AUThCRIZTAG COMP= 00:7E5 BETIYEEdd EC,I= anniAaatiTi NO. 2(602 '.4nioREA:t, by ofdad C,f the (interstate iamiemou Otoomiestabm dotes (intoner 29, 1940, in rihanao recast re. 12791, So -Mtehm fehifie hibmedmy vms catMotiadd to abandma, odher reilroat ehonentiao, theM ,nabhao tit its ea somliod rt.ennal iime in toba City of 1.1.12,2.6,7., Alamos., Cohnty, Calitern1b, chtemaina alone; Ettaninal 'oemde between taa oast lina of tiodmi. (sret.,,d eM or tear rail- road anovey station 3544(62.9 and a Point asoterly of Sherman Cannet at or nosh railroad shmvey statiot 25/5.4e7(5 lattoof cdtato is ea 'ate aohnexinate end of existimr, aither rail end asphaltic( annotate esvement), a lenzth or A.O7C miles more or lass of Oodbit, track; and tharaTTO, Soantorn Pacific roma:stay is tahltsaated, ana 5s needy atd will a to 'fen:0V° the railroad. troca. nod tased material is said tnainal comance Anne and to restore the ntrnat neva:hi:ant disturbed ty each rahovnl; (and 7,-.Lants, the City of Alen:sad sontomplatec the repaving and irtnanevins; of rsontal Afonue fhon rieh 0trees no (him-rhino. ((Anson; and tt the otinica of thas Comnclt tuhlic inmcreat nnentrao ttat tMe ',smith of rt:-.11".C.Vills-r.,, end asivamihm the aforesaid roils and trnea material and re- paving the saner area shomid. be porfarheni at the 27 'L.C. time tLen said Enctnol Ave- nue i3 removed abd dm:shoved by the City; ord iaddlirnJ, Sedthern ho:Laic tonsamy Cs wen to allod tie City ef Aladeda to perform, or contract for the perforranee of, oust itat atd to ncy the City there- for the sum of (72.00; and hid:1112AS, a fora nf arnembnt aortentinn mte stiatiantinne and atymmmneste to be atinulAted atd eareat upor ty end totmeen the City af Alameda and said 3outhern hancific Comony ient the work of rnronviag end adiyhaina sne efotheada rails atd track moMefial and renavinm tbe tract. area on its sfsmeseed mention of ',decimal Avamus has been phsparen ane o.tttolttoi to this Council at :its adnournca remmlor deetita held lion/ 27, 19i1 and ordered fifea anhin the Onsy Cinema of shid intty sand marbed fi]or ray 27, ihnii; .1.(011, nimintrEincy(TE SE TT 77771.72,1) Yet Tan5: ,t(inOIL Thina. 07' . 77: a follows: (1) inat the fors. of dereamett refeffea te tt. mte earsble nereoi ana tne ionins, covenants, h(areornetta enn tnoreof be, and tte sano sne inreby, or,tro-foa. (2) On beyinamt 'Lb the City of ttn sum of ni20,172.0C ash ths edam:minor oota syneedett by hamincott Cstnedma, the (mayor of the City of Alsmda th nstaey anthetitts ant annealed to emeauto, end the Cnty Alenr it attest hma ealtvay, am bompaf of City of „Ohs-Assn, hmteemort arnatannnally in tne farm. atd cettatnins thy naraememte Ana yeoisfe se set fortt it the efoftsdtd form of emresesem. ho IT t. AtnAZ nchaddadD that tie sand ass, of Cn20,672.00, when. received. by the City of Alameda, steal be placed nt. a arsenal. fano tan nra apowa p3 nampe5d Savants imhsvonnemt 'Eland, and sena snha 02 much thehomf as may be accooshny, • shell be used solely for the aohnoese of toying the cost 1r:turfed tho C5ty in tenting att,.removime and. selvenainta said.. timan, doMemied ant. in. rehaving eaten thank area. in. accor,Manco with the 1.:.,e'1"7].7 of ao5d egreemntt, soid. on complotiom er ssid. WC.2k. any portion. of sold sum not r.00r.).30.0..2y tO defray ane cost of said wort. shell be trensfarred lac the hieneral Fmna. of nobs Citym into hannetheisned, derima pettily t.1C donomeind heoniminot. the maim' hnd rem-oh-ay (t -soused ate 'ay the Ceateil of ohs 'dint of ACenale it ..o.YotrLoa hannitm ha:enfant hesnibisi ot its hay of hay, libl, ads 70.7, fro - ned(hh vote, to n5t: •••,;. .C;oulie . thandri, Aso-Lanni, Modes. maidamn end. t 5 ) tOned,, ho° jr thOdarS3 dah.r. ave nerourto set my hand. end ,tffixehd the offt- Gici. aona of aand City NIL_ 28th day of Lay, 19tat NO-777, 5