Resolution 02604tho Coatloio or 'the City ot Adnabana aide on tee „Lath of AeriL,
:Itt5 ItCt001.;JOLi0711 25E-0 •detelet:riTOT, Ordt:It;'• the. of that,
cost:run of Cdfos ben Street lyins; s tv.;ean Seeseascat ion dalfie end a lane (lheitell
r-tetra tilh."; Steeled 11;;;;;;:sassentibin Line and ;Liu, tont nor SI,. er1;;;, ttbarreiffsir, tonantsbefive
Cdninred f2C1e0 ) :11 abet, ;featured alteas tett no 'line etC 11;;;;;;; 1, en 3 Use et, to "ae Isobel a
ed tei ofoanEdad. tinareir, e esaf 1 ; saal
ett.tet.,,ht, 1,eeoe:Qlttett'ttt en bast fun -bus th)St tt•L' t' Fet 01.10,1S Lf,: :Or tO.,'0
th,tefib,te.2 thSter t' allb or Of ,,,t„ls :,Ittat_htiot ,;;; ois„)
uc ens eta diado ebao Sone ate ( :be eon: iris tai
tee saseet Lb day aaando Led; date d f lane f11. est hetet-holt: e he :etehrth: to:3 ton:,
;;Dile,, sewsoacab nr ;;;Tbisbo;;: oienbasteon osalienad roj, trioot2otF° off, city
off a een'..„-sno t ad by ae id; Ca:one:11_ Cs n ;11- ; sons-ea ;
afefifenbc1, et the 213
;Coe Jitas ftt itittotiotta t&ttottl sus-deaf, of tne faaeabe of 2olt, totoiotiof o2 Csteobiaf
be once:aloe:to onst ;;;; ;inns e -di-taste iff :tele daniat Lac Cteteet des-] ;ids:deed :fr
reenbLabibba ate, no;e2,.; stoo ob es ;he tb:,-; boo'. ei ob1 jos tete,.dn:t; e ;),.: tO
r'th=fe-2 POt te-itte t•ra', 22U ;',22 fret ,,f13tottotot coT, ftra t,tot cos toff:.
1;erabs ) e a:13, ;,,,o;1 ed,1311 na 'cis es d ;a; pc:, tof dr; tbd,. :tinat fsttiet eftot eh:in:the' -
end la in scoornente tho ttlf37folott ftrt. oot
1"e " eft:at:J:2o ff t1ot atnte cot Califaendt, satit1ba: '2„-n sat ts preolUee for dna:us-
:is:ea cc addief;;Cba, nte souse of sc,d1c e;,-aon, ob-so, sh1eyo 1 :OCr
sideo ta1tb'et nah1o4-,1 asc, aoprovan tr1h1 21, 1902, (ft,ttuttot tf dfCC, 1?a,c;;;;;
10.13) eat bboencinonto b oeto add
nuf1aCsa, tee sois dbreaL aosse2 ntannene 000ted a fotioe, raj-late in
steacenon..., to as eatini shod f anno 7;;; Caeca:, fe n ea' ;ens cf noesCsat :-e,ettrher,er
tir ;;enneebt canoe', aCt; b-e,f isoftat and a re:neer:dal esur; d 22 iuT use dos:a ;;;;:nitod. dold
CCejtel•th' ttet tee ;e11.etti)ee,, :te.hift-', he .1 hit Ct)"etteeeltete. 17e,e, e ". Ire,/
1941, sea n :bib! hiferns, ittentudtar n. eta; cid ac Lica; a a u at of hottehe-ettett2
Do`ti ta; e 2C1f :jay bsan' 1, lef] ; eta
prottf cot ttre .r,c);3ti of said 11es odat ion s-f.1 In a
t i tand ;Da' e nadt ins and ;tub :feats en of V d 1 :Ir., 'by af1 .1.-
dasita an fife in t.os office of the tile C]ta (fieo;i: of ooici. and.
ontiatbete statesis asoainst said ononosed i"heftt,.tte hialititeetiOn
;;;;ra d Incise been le led °e` 1,1tio Cjty 1,bend af the City of dlanieeno t !fin tnirt,'s
( 30) dy's af ten the first publication tne antoe, 01 tfe e 1 ea:ea:2;e.;
1 a t of; ent ot d
21,.U!,10A. GO as coned ttas effed, abn122 Catetocia onis
a a tesi red ibd risnife t ion to order the deans:E.; or ;nod if ;tont fon of sena:See Libben,
said. feinadclation of Jan tenti as. to be math, and
fdt1 111;n111 ab 1a; 1. nteres rtreetitteItieriCe 1 theet el.hih"•Oete'el •
ttlettitt:tee Or Of a:fades De rIDD.,e;
tfrot tt,ott ttx:otitoot, of that ocrotion of tO31oo1 Eot 1311 ,tcort, itott0000t,
LitLe a line ;Iiraose ,taral eel to H E; esin en:fad:an Lisa und. otor-theorly
titer:,;ftoctt. to.:,ototy-fitot, funtdnead (2500) font, metbsered e lotus, the tester line df
fete:ate:0 t re e th 1.:QT abas ne he , safe hied end. Ctiititheh3(1. to ctorroS-
pOittl, tee, the ettitVeitti0111.3 tebe,V,e the off i ;Lai dathent ;canna of tabu Ceity „:11.1.sin e ,
At Lebo teffnosintion e tdes; ,t,c; fEE:et
1) 4 soufading nyr istaac,,, of L.50 feat C) CTatil)D.
feet, Lo DeLevateLoie
Tta 113 eFsbarboaat a on ailhee " net ove aferrad to it-3 fhb lina a a eber te.„ ocirce;
hiada. and dry lase„fir on ties inarsh land, ,..nt daslid Cedreabea ion laiten ...dbalineated axed
debJent en ;Dr. 'aat certain snap an SI & onl; & Catententa 1.1tensla Lands ;;;;s r
tb'dbew- acsau inuo abate:se teereof thee Salt ntsubecoid 8923 but.d. eetabalied. bP;;;lf 1..c;
ineforee.efit Compondy, 1;aboineite, vs. CoEnia iossitine, tot al, Cofenannto', Sapenios
coart J„,,,..1„:7 tine
°fele e ;of tete C oust y Res battler of kanabeda. C aunty in. latso Thhte•••;: t", 130 e
Than 1-E, tuatont 1. or; sliuni.a. nab lish ed toos;;; (C.; ineatethibins ta;ba latancOn
I, the of.d.ersinee.1, he2e1y ce'ffify that tlie fofeolfg ,losEluElof was
oosaldE aEsanblEd on ',ice 1avol defe Ef 1'1E:1, ifs, the fEllowicces vote,
halicec aild. 1resiOent Weicoheht, (1.4
I hocee tofoeunte 3ot :of hand. Eir.13.1 a.22ife6. Wie offi-
cial. Eeal of' ; toicE ftn. coy of itEEl a