Resolution 02658.1) r. NC. 2658 AUTHORIZING SITE MANAGER TO MAKE APPLICATION TO FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY ON BEHAUF OF CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE IN CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DEFENSE PUBLIC WORKS. BE IT RESET= BY THE COUNCIL OF THE: elff 01' ALhenDA as follows: (11 That the City of Alameda make application to the Ntited States of America, through the Fsderal. Works Agency, for federal assistance in. the form of a gsant for the construetien. of the following projects: (a) The paving and imbsovement of Atlantic AVeLlae, formerly Industrial HIghway, from the Westerly. line of Webster Street to the Westerly forminstion of said highway including.: ths Westerly extension thereof to the Essteriy line of Main Street; (b) The afteratien and remodsling of that certain frsns dwelling knoPm. as the "Vowincksi Residence", situated in the Northeasterly bertion of the lands forming a part of the Natdonal Defense Rousing Project constructed by the Federal Works Adency anh known as Deselopment No. Cal. 2112, said dwellins to be used as a national. defense recreation project; (2) Chakles R. Sohwanenhesg City Nan:ages of the City of Alameda, is hereby autherized. and empowered and directed to execute in the name and on behalf of the City of Alameda all abplications, forms and. documents which may be required by ths Federal Workr Agency for outh purposes) (8) Tne Auditor, the City Attorney and. the City Engineer of the City of Alameda are heseby authorizeE. and empowered to furnish to the Fedskal Works Agency suck financial, legal and esgineering information, respectively, us may be required by such Federal Works Agency in connection. with said applications. * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that thb foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and, adopted ty the Council of the City' of Alameda. in regular meeting assembled on the 2nd day of September, 192.1, by the folloising vote, to wit: 4.) . AYES: Coursilnen Nranschbid, Howe, Maurer an.d. Flee President Godfrey, NDES: Nose. ABFENT: President Weichhart, (11. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my herd and. affized. the offi- cial seal. of said City. this 5rd. day of optember, 1941. LORENE R. TESTIS City Clerk' of fhb. City of Alameda. I hereby certify that the foredoknd is a full, trub and correct copy of esolution. No. 658, AO"FuleiZIN2 CITY IHADECES TO MAKE APPLICATION TO FEDERAL WORKS AGENCI GE BEHALF' OF CITY OF ALAUDDE FOR. :FEDERAL ASSISTANCE IN CONSTRUCTION" nF CERTAJII DEFENSE PUPPIS WORKS," introduced and adopted by. 'the Council oa the 2nd day. of September, 1942. gua OA/ Clerk 11 f the Cat y of Aar:Oda.