Resolution 02663RESOLUTIOI NC. 2663 ASHNOVING THE FORM AND AUITUNHITST, isTCHEIION SE A CONTRACT SETE:TEL THE CITY OF ALAMEDn.. APE ISE AIM2211:211: GOLITY NMSCRITO ABATFITIT HIST:RIME EtE CHF DISTNTHVERLIE OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS IN' LIEU OE TAXES T.0 BE NECITTE.D SE" THE SiEf OF ALMHESA FROM. THE UNETF:1 SEMMES ON AUTTEEM IN OCITHE"CTIN Whim NATIcIMI DEFFESE FEU INC EFEECIETETART IE, Cilb 2112 BE IT hEggrijEN 777 OTT:TNT, GE TEE 0117 OF EGANTEA as follows: Thzt the City of Ajameda snmil enter into a. contraet with the Aismuda County. Mosquito Abatement Eistrict substantially En the following form: This agmeoment mcip, this day of September, 1941, between the AREETIM CAFITT SOSVEITO AEATINELT DiMIPTOT, in thm County. of Aiamedn, State of California, hereinafter sailed the 'Diatribe'. and. the CITE OF ALMERIA, a meni cipal corporation. in the Couney of Alameda, State of California, hereinafter called the 'City'. WHEREAS, pursuant to Public. No. 649, 7eth Congress (thy: Lanbam Act): the Fedexat Works AcrEnistreter has authorized. toe seveleement and construction of a. rational defense housing project in. the City- of Alzmeda to accommodate per- sons engaged in national. defense abtivitieb, project consists of approxi- mately .1SNS) hundred unite and. is knobm in the records of the Fodmral Works Agancy au Development Ro. Cal. 4112; and WHEREAS, by virtue of the fact khat such. project and. land acquired or to be acquires. in connection therewith. and. the Euprovetents thereon are owrma. or. are to be owned by thm United States of nmerioa, spbh lapb and improyomonts are or will be exempt from taxation by the partims hereto and. by all other political sundivdsloho of thm State of California; and WHEREAS, the Federal. brorMs Administrator, by virtue of Section 9 of the SSid Lanham Act is authorized. to enter into agreenients to pay annual sums in limu of taxes to thm political. subdivisions in which any ouch nations:1 de- fense housing project muy be situated, and WHEREAS, she parties hereto understand that the. Government of the United States, trihrugh the Federal Works Administrator, will. enter into ar.. agreement, with. the City of Alumedm. to pay to the City an annual sum in lief,: of taxes, based upon. a percentage of the total. xnnual dwelling shelter rentals charged for occupied unito in said. project, such. pavmemhs to be dimdded between the City, thm County of Alameda, thm District and other taxEng agencims in.. such probernions as the parties may agree upon; and ifeLERFAS, the pertiem reroto desirc to smize provision for distribution between them of tile slims to be resettbd by ihb City eb.s sebb. shsreement; IHIRIEFERS, in consideration of' the premises, it is hereby agreed between, the parties hureto that twenty hundredths per cent (.20%) of ary mane received. by' the City under and pursuant to the terms of the agreement to be made between tho United States of Amemica and. the City for paymomta in lied. of taxes, as aforesaid, shall belong to the Alaredu County hesquito Abatement District and shall be paid by the City to the District as and when received, The distriet agrees to make ne further claims to the balabce of the ohmh resedwdd by she City under its contract witb the United. States, or America, IN WIT:TESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto limum hereunto sot ibeir sof- karats names and seals by their officers thereanio iftly authorized, in rrIntuu pidcate, the day and year first Mereirabove writtzn." NiEdsliii, HAffiThk, that the hayor Sde CAty Of ,AIBMOdS he, end he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute, end the Olt/. Glark to hitast, benalf of the Oily, an. agreement sudstontImIly the form and.. containing the berme add. conditions set forth. ia. the hard hereinIcifore ash forth. This resolution anbil take effect hEmediately. fh tte undersigned, hereby' certify that the foregoing. Resolution, was • dudy and. TegfaSTly introduced abb. adupted by the Correll of the f.dry Of Alameda beseilas Isec.:)tins as semi:ilea an tins say of ihseteineer, Ch , by the "'slit-ANL:1g tete, te . AIEF: Cohnoilmeh Emanschoid, Howe, Mau= anb fliSSO fresidont Godfrey, . =FRIO Nmesident Noinishart. (1). WTTEESS WHEREOF, T hoyE hereunto eet dy hdnd and affixed the offleihi seal of said.. City this -17th day of Seutember, 1941,, LORFIE BEA= y Clerk of the City of Atipmeda I hereby certify. dhat the foregEing is a. full, true an.d correct copy of "Resolutior Kb.. 2663, AftE.R..077C, TET. FDRdi AED AUTEDRIEENG EEECTEEDD. CF A cov,'TaAuT DECEAT11 THE CET'S' OF AEADEDA ALD THE 44LAMFDA. OCERTY .MDSLIETtE0 ABATEEENT DESELECT FOR TEE EISTPIEUTHEN OF CERTAIE PXYNEXEE IN LIEU OF TAXES. TE SE RE - CEIVITI BY. THE CITY OF AtitAEDA DEEF EHE UNfTED STATES OF AYEPELDA CONNEDETAN WITL. TATIONAL ItUSENO REVEIOPIETIT NEE. CAL. ',ATTE.," introduced. and agooted by. the Counkil on. the lEth. day of Settenter, EgAld dee Oderit eV the tt.E.if1g of Alameda.