Resolution 02664SESCLUbblOd LC, 2D-Sli
APESCViDS - E. EidaM RFD AdtbdellEIEd DikEUaddith CY A OODEEPC,T
,debraind, ,TY .73 :,;
DETierh) Dle'llTi 'PR SEE ElbfftddhliCh fE ChddhlE PaSiEReh
PROM Tih UPIrSa STEEDS CE' Th CidiEhtdbIfed Sikh
That 'tiro City of Alaiceda shall otter into a contireat lib the East Pry
th,PRiciPde Itibpity biatfict substantially. ir the fallwwifk farm;
This agteemont made this dry of Septembers 1.94.1, betwoon tte
EAST BAY' EDNICIPAE ETTIETY DISPRICT, body corporate. anti politic of tide State
of' California, bareinafter called. the hdittrict), and the CITY OF ALAMEDA, a
mrrialpal corporation imbrue Ocunty,of Alameda, State of Calrfornia, banal's:after
calird tUP 'City'.
.maiTIAs, pursuant to Public EP. 649, 7ath Cork,ress the, Lonna:es Act),
tte Dedarad Wanks Administrator haa authorized the Cavolopmenb and. construction.
of a nudionsi dafense hbusing Er:eject in tee dity cf Alatirea to anoormnrlate per -
SOIIS engaged. in national defense octlyities, which 'project consists of' operable
marbly two tunarod tnits ona in btobn ita the records of the fedesnd Worms Egency
an Deveiopment CaL 4,112; ana
idEsUSES, virtob of the fent teats babe. prOjet nod iand acquired or
to be acgodred in. connection. thnrewith and fun improvehents tharaon are ensued or
uro to DO ,)***ed *11* diniited States or rmerica, sued baba anE imeitumhaits are
or will bp exemet from taxation. by the parties hereto and by all cdber pri1ebeee
subdivisions of the Stabe of dasiferniab anE
WHEREAS, the heaeral Weras Administrator., by virtue of 8ection 9 of
trie said ]unetiam Act is authorized. to enter into agreements to pay etraor brake ir
lieu of takes to the political subdivisions La such national. defense
housing project may. Se situated; and
bEEREES, the parties borate' understand that the Cavernmont of tbe
United States, through ttn Eponnal Works nvInitistrator will enter into an agree-
ment with thn City of Airmeda to boy' to thp City ar, arinnal sun in ihru of taxes,
based.. upon. a percentage of thb total atnual dwelling shelter rentals charged for
occupied. ',baits in said. project, such payments to be dividad. between the County
and tae Cdby ana other taxing agetrAns it. such. proporbions ab tbn parties rushy
ugree aeon; and.
bdabitESE, the parties hereto desire to make iumnEntian. for avir3tribution.
between thek. of the sums to be received by the Cidy under such. agreement;
HOW, ThliEhiTCRE, it censlEaration of the premises, it is hereby. agreed
between the parties heroto thab three aed eighty-one handrodths pen cont (d.aldb)
of otty suns received by tbp City under and. purcurht to thr terms of the agreement
to be nsEb between thr Otited States of America. and tba City for payments in. lieu.
of taxes, as aforesaid, shall. aniong to -dna East nbay lbroicipal hibtrict
ond snail be paiE. by tho City to tne District as std whom. rbcoirode dtp District
agrees to make no further claims to inip balanae of the suns receivad by thr City
under its contract with the Prlted States of Amovirs
WISIEDR" WHEREOF, tbr parties berets nave hereunto set their corporate
names and seeds by thrir officers thereunto dody authorized in quintuplicate,
the day. and yter first heirelbabove writter."
PDSOI.whD, FURTPIEZ, that the Mayon of tha City of Alamoda bev aril he is!
hereby, authorized and. directed. to execute, phi. the City Clerk to attest, on be -
lorlt of tea City, an ugreenrht substantially in the fork. acad. contiting tbs, terms
and. conditions set forth. in tEn ferm hereinbefore set forth.
'Els resolution shall trke effect iknndiately.
I, tnn unEersigned, tereby certify that tte foregoing Resolution was
duly. and rogular2T introduced. atd adopted by. tho Coutoil of the City of Alameda
regudar monting assomblad on the Leth dry of September, libtiv by the fallow-
ing vote, to wit:
AYEiet Coducilmen Dratscheid, Rowe, Maurer and 'Vire President Godfrey,
dbiihn thine.
nBataff: rresident tieicCnert,
baLdiejESS -MbEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand. and affixed the offi-
cial. seal of sold City this 17th day of September, 1.94a.
InaCET,,TE ' alateL'
City Clerk of tic tty Aijaiode,
I heraby dertily tfaC the forepoin is a foil, trae and correct cony of
Of,ecointion Ca, 2Cted, ArbaCCrac aft: FOkh AiD hdaafialfdand aiEfitjtT ',a7 A itniTdCa.1
CETijith Thjj CI11 Cf al.A1tiCA end) ihjit hnaT hdc tjhltrOlPaP TFTLIT7 h7CTIdia1 70f hhif
DIOTCTCPd/1‹ 0,0 Ch0T1J0 7d1710 "7 dh jard 0,e iftniC ft dIJ fiCii,11) CV atttt ftiTi C2
LiablDa FACC, TIN1Cfb Si:Aid:3 CY andrilCa jh CC7111CfaTiChi CCirdiard.
nOCSCKe DialeCiaTatt.NT .110. Cah. al12," introduced ore naccoon be JXed Coanot.3 on tfo
leth icy of Social:tor, li41.
ClOy1Clefle of en
I by of A:ionic/la .