Resolution 02666klisOLCOLOk E0) 2856 A. PEUCIElUAIN IuT.] AOCF118IANCE OF CERTAIN FEEL:EFTS IN Xi:HU OF TAXES FROE TEE ADITELISTRATME OF THE FEDERAL WORKS ASEDOY APTEETTE0 A FORM OF OCT:TRACT WITH TKO FEDERAL WORKS ADEI EiSlEATCE WITH UFSPEO T TH./SETO, Abo AUTHORIZING TEE FEES UTUEN OF CAIO CONTRACT. * _sax_ CIDEPEAS, the Administrator of the; Federal Works Agency (hereinafter referred to as the d'Addrinistrotor") .is auttorized. and prosssus to he-talon and selnitriaten a housing development (herein called: the "Development") within the terimi torial limits of the Gi ty Alameda Enerein called the "City") arid said Development, known as Development No. Cal. 41171..12, Wil appeoxlmataly 2.00 dwelling units; and. WHEREAS, it is necessary to the public hcalth. safety anti 'welfare of the City' than living e.ctiommoilations be provided for persons engsgeh in national defense activinies, andi vi,22EAs, the City' will daitaketly benefit from the const,rugti on of no,w, safe and aanitary hmullimes for shah nersons and. their fskoittlanm, NOW, THDDEFORE, DE IT PESCEUEJ dts CITY COUXEIL CF THE CITY 01' ,A1,.P117.8D.A : Section 1, That the Ciay hereby' detertiines that, for the purpose of aiding said. Administrator in his efforts to devdlos a haEsine teelonsient in the Cindy, the City shall coopdThte with. the Administrator by furnishing munieinad.. seraloes and facilitiess for the Development in conaideration of the payment of certain sums by the Administrator to the, City' in lieu of taxes, ail, as moan full y tinovided in the form. of Agreement ,sot forth. ik. Section. 2 hereof. Section 2„ That tbd City shall entem imto a contraat wath. the AdmAhAs- trator sc.nstnntially in ttd falE)Am'img, form "ACXXXISACT Siff:ESE 'HE ' )I TED Sail CT d LOA 'SEE OE: if. d THE COVED:1: imat ) A1.111 Old' A 01; A1.2 1E1E1, C Li A "i'vklif Go, a 1. d in 1, C TT D1 ) 7.118' ADE, ,117I CD' ADELE, „ WiliPEAS, par 2 ", aant to 1' iiblic We. 8 1,9 C r 3 Lana an Act 0;_orein rafearre(1 0 as the 'Ast1) e ?shads? Wanks Atiminis avatar (herein; ;inferred to as 121.; -;" v trat ' ) Z t C develop t 0 0 C MO date aersolis enxiiged L; national defense 01 atIvities (ea h sari ne, ; e t ; ; and the ACtidnistrator has anthorinch tbo have] onmant of shah housing , nonsi s tine of ancroxisiately 200 snits to be locate() LT; i-00; , (identification ha. Cal. Alit' and 13 0100 in. referred to as the Wininclosnents) WEESCAS, by virtue of the rElot that tto Deveithittent and land imithairo0. tys to the accitired C 000110 t ;!;;021 00:00;00; ;;;;; d t0;:t0 inprovemaints cheroot arc owned oh aro to he ownet by the Ochiercritint, each land and itritotaxests ere sr will be tnempt ;Exam taxation by the City of Aladads (hersinafior referret to as (te 11" d."` ; End tiY titer nod ) 01'0 (1 ions ot tat; State of fornal a; and WEISIEAD, the Ansimistrator, 000 VT; ;110000 Of SUCt;0000 9 Of 10:00 Ace Is ahtlarized to enter into agreemento to pay annhal ohms in lieu of taxes 1;;;;;, the Ahmihistrator is willing to make certeln peg:cents in 11es of Loxes to the City end to other soliticel sandivisions in which tke Development is sithafed; 1TH11218,111Eltd: That in. consideration of tile mutual covenants and. conditions herein- after set forth, the pat:tads hereto demaid as follows: AE The Ahministcator shall ohy to the City atimmailly a sum eskul. to 8.9 per catt. of' tile total ahnsal dwellHing ;So:titer rentals cimatedd for occupied Inni.ts ik thg Devalossant, trosiled that tha amknuat to be imolai in lieu of taxes for anv year with respect to the Eeveliefxdht shall nevem' exceed the amount that wapiti be receita'd by the City snit other takings folida. from, taxes laTied. aison stais property if it 'were lust exempt from taxatinni. Tar ;lie purpose of evidenc- e compliance witf. tho previsions of thAx, Parse:rash, tha City will furniff. the Adstinloarator wino. :Pugh informatlek as .may from timx, to time be feknested. For purposes of ttis Paragin;ph, shelter vent shall mean. the cluaree established (or oat i mated.) for the hoe of a dwellana smalunina the Ansinaating of any uti "Atlas e., water, heatm heating of Paster, lightg cooking fact, or rofristannanion energy) . 2.• :the atErtnt to . id annually' by tho Govcfnment shasuant te, Para- graph 1 hereof skald he paik. at tnd same time as ad. toloTex. taxes are due the City. 13. The City agret0S tittlt 0100-0-;0110; the hernati commenclas oink Mao date of the actilisition of azny Dart of the si.te or sites foe the Dovelontiont and pant.i.n.a- inn; for the life of this Agreement, It dt.1).,) not trake any charge against ititi Government ittl; any Si:00010a Elttit OS 0121E00 t 000 ;V it° ;01 constracti.on. and abmiciatration or the Development except addle charges C10 :dray CO agreed. so bp or on behalf of the Administrator. 4- Trio City wait. furbish to the Governmeft and nne tenartv of the Development, the natal. ma:Tidies" at:redoes (bra. facilities which. bre or muy he fur- nished without coot or charge to other dcmailangs ann. ininahitents in Mee City, ihnindling, tut nbt to fire:, coince and health. protect/an era benviGas; street Lighting; fire hydrant services( ebb sewer service, 5. 44e City will. nsintain in good. repair end. won:sang order any amb angicipsa utliIties dnd facilities provided. by- et for tas Uae and benefit. of tne wevelonmnnt ann. the tenants thereof; earl will maintain im boas remedy existing improved. streets, roads and allegb wntch nTe adjacent or lnening to the Develop a siert. 6. Ire administrator will dediGate and. the City will accept tho endin cation of streets ann. rondo which are now coebtracted. in tne Dayalopiebnt; and the City wian maibnath ZOOO. resaIr the dedicated streets and. roads in ten Develop-, InaJd 7. itothang in. tbdb Agreement shall be conntruaa. to confer. any exbabsion upon tno tenants wet may occupy thn Yestedittnpmt fran the payment of tanxn trans's. may be Tawfully assessed. against then, 8. fen City' will distribute esch. such. annmel payvemt in. lieu. of tsbno to the taxing, boodes in oath. proportion tbbt each. taxing cody will receive from the total caynbat by thn Administrator hereunder the same procortdon. as sada taxing absy's es valorem tax rate beeps tb the total ad valorem tax rate which would. Pe levied.. against the. Conblopment if it were operated by hhibate enter- prise and sut4ject to normal taxatlarg or thb City may distribute meth subh. annuaa. phrnert in lieu of taxes to the taxing bodies ir. such lesser amounts as may be mutually. agreed mech. between. tne City and tne respective taxing bodies. For pur- poses of this Asfeement, the term ,taxing bodies' shall. mean thp Stato of Cali- fornia and every political subdivision. or tandng shalt thareof (including thn City and thn County' of Ainxedn, but excluding the Alameda Unified School District of the City' of Alameda and. of Alameda County) which shall havb authority to levy taxes, or to cortnfy taxes tn a taxinz boay or. publin officer, te be levied for its use ana behierrit, and. in which. thn CeNbltpmenb in situated. 9. This Arpreement shall continuo in full force ard effect with respect to thn Develonnft so long as titje thereto is by the Moverhoort and.. so long as the omorgemhy declared by the frekidpht on Dectemher 8, 1939, to exist, COD, tinunem, proviand, however, that BO long. as title to the Development is hold by' the Coverraenb after said. anergoncy haa terminated this Agreement shell. continue in full force bed. effect until sixty- days after eitner party hos given to the other written notice that the :Agreement shall terminate at the end of said aixtg' days. 10. aced. tne isido by the koverbfbnn oh eng sant or Tarts or the Deybloo- ment, the pamt or parts FO aOld shall, fren the date of ante, he lenmor te don - diabrod part tbe Devwlesment. UOCE the teraChation u:' tnhs Agreerent as to the whole Or the Devolormeht, the Devernmeht wi31 nag snoh nortisn of the anneal pay- ment culled Nos by Paragraph 1 hereof on tne otabsbel portion oC Ihe tweive-Marth period beans to twelve nontns. 11. no Member of or Delegate to tin Corgress of the bunted Shares of America than partialpate in the fanas made available uhder tents Agreement. IN UDTUUSS 'WFONIECF tap City ond the Givearnabnt have rcebbotivoly eadsed this Agreement to be duig OdocCar,da as oh' tuts day of w 1941. SEAL CITY ON ANALFFA, CALIFORUIA Carty C.terk UNITED STATFS ANNRICA Ferikrel ebras numink7stratEF Approvea as to form: City Attorhe:1" Sestien 3, That the, Yagor and. tae Clerk of thn Cjty of Alameda aro heresy autntrined. to execute a contract substantially' in tne form. set forth in Section. 2. hereof on behalf of the. City. Sectirb 4. This Reaolutioh tal.e effect immeddebblyn I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoins ilbsclution was dtly and rergularly introduced and aEopted by the Council. of' the City of Alameda in regalam detinag assembled on the leth day of September, 1041, by the follvairag vote, to wit: AYES: CounciliriBn BrarEnnpaid, Howe, Anurer and Tice President Godfrey, ABSENT: President Weichhart, (1). IN WITNESS WHEREGI1 I have hereunto set ny' hand and affixed the offied dial seal. of said. City this 17th day of September, 1941_ LOREME P. NEATEN m. (amaihre City Clerk of Vie City oF—falamodb- I hereby oertify that the, foregoing is a full, true and correct oony of Iliesolnt'ion ko. 2666, A PE7OLGTION AUTHOBIZI01 AT:BEEPS:ICI CS' CBRPhif IN 07 TETE7,3 IRON IKE hohINISTNAIC2 TIP BEDIGRAI PARKS ASIISCY APPBOVING A POISE CI' CONBIATT WITE PIP SINSEAL WORKS elaiSIESEPATOR WIPP RESPECT IPPRETI, :101 ANT 00ISAT70 IPT, ENEIGTION OP' SAID ONTKAGl," lutroancod and adeofea by- the Council on the letn day of Septeaber, 1041: pi7eir 64, Clerk of the City' of Alameda.