Resolution 02667111,3 L1I'11.11.111, 110 „ 266 ADOTEaNG SPLCIFICSTIONS ?OH FliROISHEWC- FVTEST1 WATER RIVER SAHD TO THF CITY (.1? ALAMEDA DURING, TFE YEAR IffifiikCf JUTE , 191,2 , ALIEE1,11 FOR .13 IDS 1111D BLEET.F.111..1 THE C TY CLERK TO SOVERTIFE FFil SATVH. FE:SOLVED Fh.)).. CHiT1rC Li, CR THE C 1a7 OE ALAMEDA that the Specifications and Provisions foT furnishing ?Than Water River Sand to that City of' Alan Isda dur- ing the fiscal year er.dins; Juhe 30, 1942, WS 9 -1,120, filed in. fre office of the City Clerk on. Septerkber 16, 192,71, be, arb. the same tiro bareby, approved. anti adopted. REs clvEn , FUR:17E1R, thdt dosabil of the CSbsocthbpeiuiban teat - y rslr fetiiHdfdae. Triae r b rhclloaiie " Pdaf , t h C lrri foosAinlpagUaoti mrd t s aaatCial s as ti, tft, hroyCr ie, af s Thtleaarlo Tw nnhatoaS hrf") Tde . d f te rado 8e, , arwup0eroijl anesecl ir t ' bblae sl nee aay wb kl. aoatPrOd r b d oceeMdn oi, rl wehbr sl n nuno .b add ta nTsejhJCd uie. i n icer ptatt i ado ll y a ttac-oyo io sC nf uo, lne att Ay Odnw Calso e a mnitTfbpo7 af ty rrnee wkonea wCvr ee id sliw est 7t h iroiv knalo. n nl 1s, o a9at . hr4iibnde1e o. . f ce, teshft it hvoe r e e Hhe City Clerk is henaby directea to abstaTtise, n taa Alerau) Troves- Star, a notice caliliag for sealed bids in accordahbe with the tiros) sl ors of) fa) Ls reacla,tion arid of said Spec1tficatiors and. frovisionh. the tiallersighed„ hereby oartify thatt the foratkoing Peaclution was duly end lisfatharly thtnociased. ard otiohtvon) by she Courant. ..of the City of Alameda in regular roet)ry assemblbd oh. the 16t11. nay of' 3chtemPar„ frbl, hy tha iffilowinva vote, to wit: ATES: Gonabilmes Bfauscreid, Howo, Manhar and Vice Presidant Godfrey, ABH1))1117„ Weibnhart, 11) , llf )))11"771ESS WRIHREOR„ T herouht o aet ny rand reed affivawl. f1ti stffi- cial seal of said. City. thEo 17),U. day of September, 19k1- Rag tra, ) L1,11:11,Haff: E 13111,11711, City Clerk tha C ,1.11 ob A EarfiRTT: hereby certify,. that tne foregoing is fuld, trab anu correct copy of Eilesolution 2,136 ? AD (..1"E s PE '7: "..11771.0 2:11,C11,113 'HOZ, 1,11111.11,1121.1„111,11,., kiER SUND TO THE CITY )Wfi' shALISFA DURIadi lEE F1113C11„ TEAR WhDlat: alCbto 30, 19a2) 1111-1,1.11.111,.." F11,1 'BIDS .1,111D IfIT1f1,1,H7111E1 THE 0 I TY 01...,11E1,1111. ".110 1,117-11,1111.13,7 ITHE T1.1,1,7 " ',111110:1.11 eY3. a1 a110,,..1 '11:111 Y 1611111 C 010110 oh the h. day 1111 e 1.03,20 r, / Clboa tho f siamedu-