Resolution 02679RECCLUTIOr KC. 2579 ACCEPTILE CONTEIMETE TO TEF CITY OE ALAN:FDA CE AN EAGEHENT FOR ELWER PDSKOSES AKD coN-s=aG TO 'SUE NECCREATION =RECK. WHEREAS the Grantors hereinafter named did on the 31st day of Octwber, 1941, daliwwr to the City of Alameda. a certain deed,. dated. October 30, 1941, exe- cuted by and betweeh Kate G. Pedersen, individually and as the dudy appointed, qualified and.. acting executrix of the Last Will and Testanent of Lars A. Pedersaa, deceased, and Laura Bwdersen, as Grantors, and. the City of Alameda, a. municipal corporation, as GTantee, wherein the said Grantors grant, transfer and convey unto the said. Grantee an easement atd right of way to construct, reconstruct and main- tain for all time a public sewer for samitery, storm and drainagd purposes in, 'Oh:rough, on and along that certaln real property situated in the City of Alameda smd more patticularly described. Sin said deed; NOW, TEMENDERE, 3E IT REECIVED DT THE COUNCIL OE THE CITY CD ALAIMTA that the aforesaid deed be, and trw same is hereby, accepted and. the said City Council, acting for snd in. balalf cf said. Crontoe, hereby consents to the rewar- dation of said. deed and. orders titis resolution to bw attached thereto, as required by Section. 1153 of the. Civil Code of thw State of California. the un1 edaM7g(ed, hereby certify that tre forwgoitg Rwaolution was duly and regularly introdmeed and adopted. by the Council of the City of Alameda ih regular meeting assembled on the Ath day of November, 1941, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen. Branscheid, Maurer and. Vice Presidemt GodErey, NEES; None, ABSENT: Preeldwnt Weichhart, (1). IN WITNEEE WEERETT, I nava hwreunto set rdy hand. and affixed tde offi- cial seal of said City this 5th day of Nevarber, 190- LEREME R. BEAM Gity Clear of the Cdty of Alaradem By; SHIRIME NE TILTIEM (SEAM) Deputy City Cf7752.7- * * * I hereby certify that tle foregoing is a. full, true and correct copy of "Resolutiwn. NO. 2679, ACCEMETLE TIONMEEANCE TO TAN GIDE OD ALAMEDA OF' AN EASEMENT TER SEWER PURPOSES AND CONSENTING TO THE REECEDATION TBERIEF," intradowed. and adopted by the Council on the Ath day of November, 15.21. LORENE R. BDATIE City Clerk of the tlty of Ada:mese- By: 241 eluty City Cler7