Resolution 02685RESOLUTION EB. 2685
WHEREAS, the City. of Alameda heretofore asoesned. and. lemied. taxes for
general municipal barnoses against a certain parcel of real property situated in
the City of Alameda, County. of Alatmedc, State of California, herednafter mere
particularly referred to, wteigaa taxes were assessed aad levied for the year and
in. the anaunt and. to tha persona hereinafter set forth, to wit:
Taxes for 1927-1928 - Second Instalimant, in the
amount of
Ansessed to Noble FA Idolise and Marian S. Justice,
On Rot 285 in Block Lettered ").),." as sold lot and
blabk aro delineated anA so desigaated upon that
certain map entitiad, TFernside, Alameda Califorhna."
filed Jane 9, 19125 in LibCT A of Hebb, page 76 and 77
in the offica of the County Recorder of Alameda Connty;
WHEREAS, it satisfactorily appearing to this Counail from. the verifiasi
petition of tho Veterans' Welfare Board of the State of California bearing tho
date of Novomber 5, 1941 and. on. file with the Council of the City of Alameda,
anA this Council ubbn satisfeetary proof tharsof so finds, that after the time
that sand assessments and taxes became a lien on the said parcel of real property
said parcel of real property was acquired and owned, and ever since has been and.
now is owned, by the Veterans' Welfare. Board of the State of California, a public
corporation, and. because of such public ownership is not subject to sale for de-
linquent taxes; and
WHEREAS, the aforesaid taxes and aaseesmants levied on said parcel of
land, in. tho amount hbreanbefore set forth, are unpaid and. uncollected;
the written consent of thb City. Attorney. of the Citt of Alameda hailing been given
horetofore as required. by laws that tho aforesaid uncollected taxes and. assess -
monts charged or 'embed by the City of Alameda for city purposes upon the afore-
said. parcel. of real property, together with all penalties and costs thereon be,
and the sawn ara hereby cancellad, and tha Auditor and Tar Collibbtor or other
officer oX the City of Alameda. having the custody of the reeond thereof, are
hereby autharrizen and directed to cancel subh tokns and assessments so levied.
or charged, together with all penalties and caste thereon, and. to mahe appro-
priate entries and. rebard of such cancellation on. their resbactime books; aal
BCE ft PRATHER RESCIUEED ANS ORDERED What if thn aforebaid. parcel.. of real..
proborty tas beer. sold to thb City for non-payment of any of the aforesaid. uncol-
lenteE taxes, assessmentn and. honaltdes or costs thbreeb. hereinabove ordered to
be cancelled, and a. certificate of sale or desE. therefor has beer issued to this
City, and the City has not disbubed of said property so sold, the offiber haying
custody of the record. tnereof be, and he is hereby, directod. ts cancel the. esrti-
ficate of sale or dead sb issued_
SE IT Fa111PRE. LIIRCIIIIMs anything in this resolutiob. to the contrary •
nutwithstanding, that thib resolation and. order anal not be construed as can-
celling or autheadbeing the canbellation of any taxxb or assessmentb levied 02
chnrged. against any possessory. intenebt in. sat") parcel ar real property or of
oby special. assessnont taxes lovled agninal said barcol. of real. omoaerty by the
City of Alamoda pursuant to the proviaimns of the "Acquieltion and Improvement
Act of 3X.25"A
x, the undersigned, hereby cbttify that tho foregoing Resolution was
dely and regularly introduced and adopted. by tho Council. of the City of Alameda.
in regaior meeting assembled on tha 18th day of Remember, 19X1, by tlin following
vetex to witt
716: Councilmen Branscheid, 110We, Lauren and Vice President
Godfrey, (a).
:J.,6=17: President Welahrart, (1).
IR WITUFS7 WHEREOF, 1. name lannrryno set miy hand and. affixed the offi-
cial seal of said City this 19th day of November, 192,a-
(SEAll Titay Clerk 76he Cirx on" !Wean:1a.