Resolution 02689RESOLDTION NO. 2689 AOCNTIEG COUVNYZ.CE TO THE CITY OF ALETWEDA OF AN EA=amT POR IDE CORETRUCTION ANN MAINTENANCE aF A PULTIC CONDUIT Foa IMOCRa. AUD DRAINaGN PURPOSES AND CONSENTING TO THE RECORDATION THENEWM. WEERMAE, the Grantors hereinafter named. did on the 18th day of November, 1941, deliver to the City of Alameda a certain deed, dated November exe- cuted by :cab between Frank T. Correia and Mattie M. Correia, his wafe, and. Ala- meda Cedaty-bact Bay Title Insurance Campany, a. corporation, and. Edwin E- Otis, as Grantors', and the City of Alanona, a municipal corporation, as Grantee, wherein the :maid Grantors 2:tenth transfer and convey unto the said Grantee an. easement and. rivht of way to construct, reconstruct, rawair and naintain for all tina a public candnit for storm and drainage purposes in, through, Oh and. along that certain. piece or parcel of land situated in. the City of Alameda and more parti- cularly described in said. deed. NON, TEEEL2DPE, BE IT BEMNIEEND BE' TEE CCENCIL Oli ENE CITY OF ALAMEDA. that the aforesaid deed. be, and the sane is. herebyg accepted and.. the caid City Council, acting for and. in behalf of said Grantee, herety consents to the recor- dation of said deed dna. orders this resolution to be attached thereto, as re- quired. by Section 1158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. * * * * * * * * * * * the undbrsigned hereby certify that the foregbing Resolution was daly and regularly introduced and. adopted by the Council of thc City of Alameda in. regulhr meeting acsembled on the 18th day cf November, 1941, by the follawing vete, to wit: Rena: Councilmen. Uranscheid, ficwe, Maurer and. Vice President Godfregg NOI: Neneg AHEaETX President Weichhart, (1). TN WEIN:ESE WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. the offic cial seal of said City this 19th day of November, 1941( LcaFFIE R. BEA= (SEAL) mistg7'1lerit of the City 1 Ariinknha:- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct cony of "Resolution No, 2689, AOCEPEETE CTIVIZIANEE TO 1HE CITY ON ALAMEDE OF AN EASEEENT FOR INN inCEMEICOTIEL AEC OUBNENINANCE OF A PUBLIC CONDUIT Foa sFoad AND DRAINAGE PMERESES AND CONON-LET:NG TO THE RECCAPATION CIAERYDIT," introduced and adepted by 1 he Council on the 1 8th 1 hy of Novahber, 1 941.