Resolution 02699nEsoLuTIor KO. 2699 CREATIFq FIFTEddi FECIEFIONS SE "WATCHEAN" ITIE CITY 0.2 andifinie. HEEGLITED ET' IhE CUE:KOTA CF TEE CITY OF aliatTICA as follows: Thht there be, and are Parety, created fifteen. (15) positions of enTleyment in the General adminiatrative Department of ehe City of Alameda, said positions to he known unties? the classification. and title of '',,,:atChiaala". The duties attached. to the position of watchmen shall be as folictws: To uLoard. and protect public huildinsys and pablio property and to perform. such other :related worh and.. duties as the City (Joaddger or his asithximized representative nay preseribe. That the salarT of the position. of watchman is horeby flumE. at a minimum. of sciventysefive cents (75';') Per 11Pur ,irad a (fah(dflan elElftY -fly° (85d) per hoar. 1, the endersiogled, hereby certify that the foregoins 2c/solution was duly son re/((ularly int:seduced and anohted. by the Ccannii of the City of Altsoania in iyasinEir deetiny assembled on the 16th day of Eecember, 194a, by the follawiag vote, to wt: AFETK Counbiamen araischeid, Howe, Jones, Ifurer and Pfesideat Ctudfrey, (5). hUtlid(. Nona. alaCIAIT; Nene- .021. Inartliaa bhhEACF, I have hereunto set my hann and affixed the nfficiai seal (Y1// oaAA. City this ll/t11 ,lay of Foothher, 1941, e da h mai-- idiathE Cih lean of elf City I hereby certify that the forecoinis Is a full, true add correct odpy of YHosolution Lc). 0699, 0121.222ifd IFETEIb FOSITI(Ta. AK dbadEECKNT IN aid( CITY OF Atitnefea," introduced orb. odehted. by the Coupaid. en the lath day of Dcaendeer, 1941. Tit Clay's: of i r AZ ZiAZZA,