Resolution 027010.0.92DECTIOi) NE. 2701 )2,4s, EDO TT' 44.81,EDD. POSITIZES OF 'TEFL= LABCGTIA" POOITIONS OF "LAROTTEMO IN TPCD GIFT' III$011410 EY ISE CDTECIE OF SZE CITY CT' ELAPSE'S)). that flyc. (5) additions' positions of "okliled lahorer" and ten (10) additionnl accitions of "laborer" be, and are heereby, arented in the Street Donartment of tho City of• Alameda . I, the undersignen, hereby cortify that the, foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced 81ad. adopted, ty the: Countil of the City of Alameda. in 1 - 1 me:ea:Dreg assembled ph the, leth day of December, 1941, by the following vote, to wit: ATEIM Comnbilmen ThansaiLeiti, Homed Tones, Maurer mnd President Godfrey, 49) . KEES: Done,. hESENCE None. TN WITNESS w-Ti= cr.F have hereunto set my hand and affixed fae official seni of said City this 1Sth day of Decen.ber, 1941. 1,02FIE R EI14117 (CLAL) G Y Ole rk e ty rno da . I hereby certify that the foregoing 18 a full, true and correct copy of "Resolatie. No. 2701, CRIMEMENG :EAT ADGIT'IC1FAL PCSITICUS CT' "SKILLED LAITICIE1" STID ITG AFETTICLEE POGITIONE 02 "MASCRFR" Ifi FEE CITY OW AL8MEDA," introduced, and. ndoste4,1 by the Council. on the 16th. day of Devemlen, 1941— dyes) Clerk of ..6h'e City of Alameda .