Resolution 02702RESPINTION ED. 2702 T7;sTABITEE.InG DENEFEE ACCOUNT 70L AND APPROPRIATING $5,C20 " FIS CIVII DEFENSE) ASTI:MEC:CS, BE IT RESCIVEC BS" BEE CGIUDILL BEE CITY GP AleArtEDA that Civil Defenre Account 70L be, and. is hereby, establishmd. with:fn. and as part of the Crneral Fund of the City of Alameda. PIESGSVED, FuRITIT!,o, that the SUM of $5,000.00 be, and is hereby appropriated. and trsrofebred. from Contingrht Acoeunt 70b to Civil. Orferme Account 201, said sum to be used and mmpended. for public pdmrrses in connmen tiC r. with the, activities of are ()Pity nf aMemers and the Alameda Defense Council anaer Ordinance No. 263, Nem Series— I, the unhersimbed, herely certify that the foregoing ilmeolbtien lams :lull ant regulecndy introduced end shorted. hhe (Council.. of the City of Glanmdr in regular. mebting assenbirn on 'oho leth. day of December, 1541, by thm following vote, to wit: a17123: Counrilmen Eranschein, Bows, Jrnes, Meurer end President Orbantry, M1). EIDES: None. APSENT: Done. IN WITNEMB WHEMMUE, I have hmreanto set my hand and. affixbd. the official seal of said City this 17th. day. of Decebor, 1241 L,GREt..,a; Ta.,_BEACE17 (SELL) Chty Clerk of the CIty of hhartmdem I 'hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, tour and correct copy of., "Resolatior. No. 7202, ESTABLIBEGIC ChBETI DEFENSE ACCONNB 20L AND AFTEDIntIthEISS1 :)(P1,000.200 DOR CIE")) SEENDBE ininvwdaced amd. adrpter by the Council on. the leta. dny of Debember, 1911) ( N / . CINy Clerk cm E46