Resolution 02703REECLUTIGel 33) .) 272)3
Of POSI221.01. (((y(I(.1.o.2 STEn0Cdfd(failfd-CLERd) IN"
yylillE27 THE
73133.33, tre defocus cderffency heo created. the deed.. for a Seniar
ifteposTacbcreCleri) to assiet .le flee offise of the Off:3 ; an a
WililldniS, the ratrd r' i an. S of a Lemporecap randurca,
Ji0C, 2f,aiddidedt, .bil dia3Cladall) 2222 2d3E td)dlli.)1.1. 03' TEE CiffPd ISLACEIDe
that d position. of Gemaor Stenbsrabaerallerd, be, and i2 berbby created and
establasiind. tae City Mamag.eris 011fice for a period of nnety (90) Jaya,
effective as of ildember 29, 1911, and the salexy fon such position. shall be
$1.20,Cla sap month,
d, the undefeelybwad, hereby certify fInt (due fared:ming Resolution
e).3 duly end peyularly lutcpbuned and adopted by tte Council of thn City of'
diambeis in adicuPped regales vientlub() assembled. on. the 2ath. day of DOCCM12T
1941, ry nue following vote, fa wit:
.sysiym. sply(mmaidaym 33aasehead, :nearer end. if:Teslasut Godfrey, (3).
139E.C: 1,(ous.
AllbifTab Councilmen Havle {Md. Janus, (2).
Id WIT:Isla: idifaides(0, a nave hereauto set mys hand. and, addiabd Mae
official seal ad said City tris 29tu day of December, 1941)
City Clerk cf dus Casty. of Alameda.
ftemeny certify that Mae foregbiug is a full, true and co:erect copy
of ddes olut ion. licm 2703 , _ .t . ii e OT ((ri(T(10R aff=0C(130).1)97l-CLEdide) id) THE
o 21= 0-2 inn CITY Efftdlaaldy " intamaticel &Ina adbbted, by. tale 0caufaval ou tbm 2th.
clay of' December,