Resolution 02709:30 010. NO 209 GRANTING KERMIT TO UNITED ENGINEERING COMPANY, LTD., TO CONSTRUCT 103) MAINTAIN A RAILROAD TURN OUT SWITCH AND SRUP TRACK CONNECTING WITH CITY' OF AIAKMDA'S RAILROAD TRACK ADIACENT TO LANDS HERETOFORE LEASED BY THE CITY TO SAID UNITED ENGINEERING CCIVIT'AITY. BE Id' RESOLVED Si 10' COUPCIL OF THE CITY OF ALANEDA that a permit be, and is hereby, granted to United Engineering Company, Ltd., a cerroration, its successors and assigns; to construct; reconstruct and maintain, a single railroad turn out switch and spur truck in and connecting with tha existing City of Alameda's most northerly railroad track, the most westerly point of said switch and spur track to be located approximately 2G feet easterly, measured along the center lime of the City of Alameda's said track, from the point of intersection of the center line of said City of Alameda's track with the south prolongation. of the most wes- terly boundary line of that certain parcel of land described in Lite lease, dated June 6, 1941, between the City of Alameda and United Engineering Company, a cor- poration, said location being more particularly shown on the blueprint drawing bearing the legend: "United Engineering Co., Ltd., Alameda Shipyard," which is hereto attached and made a part hereof. This permit is granted cn and subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That said spur track shad' be used for the transportation of freight only. 2. That said switch be constructed at grade of the existing City of Alameda's track to which it is connected and in such manner as not to interfere with the operation of the City's said track, and that all construction, operation and maintenance work in connection with said switch and EM:7 track be performed without cost or expense to the City of Alameda. 3. That this permit ahall he indeterminate and shall be revocable without compensation at any time at the option of the Council of the City uf Alameda. 2. That said United Engineering Company, Ltd., is not to be con- aidered as acquiring hereunder any permanent interest of any nature whatever in the lands of, or subject to the jurisdiction of, the City of Alameda. 5. That on revocation of this permit said United Engineering Company, Ltd., its successors and assigns shall, at their own cost and expenae, forthwith. disconnect said spur track from the City of Alameda's said track and shall remove said spur track from the lands owned by the City of Ala:dada and shall repair and restore the City's said track to a proper and safe operating condition. In the event that said United Engineering Company, Ltd., shall neglect or refuse to so remove such spur track or to repair and restore the City's said track to a proper and safe operating condition, the City of Alameda may cause such spur track to be removed and It work of repairing and restoring the City's said truck tc be done, and United Engineering Company, Ltd., its F.;1*C- cessor and assigns shall thereupon be obligated, to pay to the City the cost of such removal and of such repair and restoration. * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutton was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by tha Council cf the City of Alameda in adjourned regulF-r meeting assmelbe(1 on the 1)th day of January, 1942, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Branschaid, Howe, Jones, Maurer and President Godfrey, (5). NOES: None. ASSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 14th day of January, 1942. (SEAL ISOREKI R. MATTE 1 0) r Clerk ef the City of -A meda. * e* * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of "Resolution No. 2709, GRANTING P TO UNITED ENGINEERING COMPAII, LTD., TO 20r TSTIVICT AND T',1AIHITAIN A RAILROAD TURN OUT SWITCH AND SPUR TRACE CONNECTING WITH CITY O ALAMA' IIROAD 'DRAGE ADJACENT TO LAND5 HERETOFORE LEASED HY THE CITY' To SAID T INITED "ENGINEERING 0 ON0-A0Y," introduced and. adopted by the Council on the 13th day or January, 1942. 310rk of r i. y c2 lride