Resolution 02731RESOLUTION NO, 2751. ACCEPTING CONTEYANCE FROM CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY' COMPANY AND SOUTHERE PACIFIC COETANY OF AN EASEMENT TO OONSTPECT, RCONSTRUCT, LAINTAIN AED OPERATE A HIGH ,4-33(1 4-4133' LII111 UPON, ALONG AND ACROSS CERTAIN STRIPS AND PAROELS OF LAND IN TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND .4 114111 TO THE PIECORDA- OK HERE OF WHEREAS, by indenture dated February 19, 1942, exmouted between Central Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, and Southern Pacific Comnany, a corporation, as first parties, and City of Alameda, a municipsl corporation, apting by and through 41 Public Utilities Board, as second party, said first parties granted and conywyed to the City of Alameda the right and easement to construct, recon- struct, maimtain and operate a high tension power line (incihufing swles, crossarms, conductors and appurtenanoes thereto) unon, along and. accreps certain strips and parcels '1" or 6 feet wide situated in the City of Alameda, Convity of Alameda, State of California, and more narticularly described in cadd. indenture; end WHEREAS, said indenture has been. duly executed and delivered to the City cif Alamecla) NOW, 111112EF3RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 11 OF 4134 41 that the aforementioned indenture be, and the same is hereby, accepted on behalf of the City of Alameda, and. said City Council, acting for and in behalf of said City, hereby consents to the recordation of sadd indenture and orders this remolution. to be attached thpeto, as required by Section 1158 of the: Civil Code of the State of California. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify tnat the foregoing Resolmtion was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Aloneda in regulmr meeting assembled. on the 741 h. day of April, 1942, by the following vote, to wit: (5) AYESh Councilmen Bramscheid, 'Lowe, (Tones, Maurer and President Godfrey, OES: None. ABSENT: one. WITEFES WHEREOF, I have hereunto 1-'t m41 . hand and affixpd the official ie seal of said City this. 8th du of Arril 19/.2 LOPELE R. BEWTHE City Clerk: of thg City of Alameda. hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Repolmtion EL. O731, ACCEPTER; CONVEYANCE FROM CENTRAD EnCiTEC RAILWAY COMPANY AND SOUTTIRE PACIFIC CONTENT' OE AN. EASENENT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, HAINTAEN AND OPERATE S. SIGH TENSILE PLWER LINE UTORE As5a)))))) AND ACROSS CERTAIN STRIPS AND PARCEIS OF LADD IN TEE CITY OR AIROFFIA AND COTSENTING TO THE RECORDATION INFRECT," introduced and adentpd by: the Counc,, l. on tee 7th. day of April, 1942. (-5\ Cito Ciosk 01 sue City 01 Alameau.