Resolution 02734BilliONYTIOU NC, 2734 AUTHCPUSTUG SZSCUTMON CF AGIUGENliliC WITH 223PROT TO LOANS OE SUPPLIES EY TUE OSEICE OF CAVIldAN DEFENSE 4WD APPOINTING C=TES R. SCRWAKENHERG AS MCGEE PROPERTY ONR1bEE, WHEREAS, the act of the Congress of the United States approved January 27, 1942 makes available, through the Office of Civilian Dofonse, certain facili- ties and supplies required for the protection of persons and property against bcnbing attanks, sabotage and other war hazards in certain localities in the United Staten; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is situated within. 111011011 area, is vulnerable to enemy attack, and there exist in the city numerous vital. defenae plants, industries and establishmonts; and WHEREAS, the city. is in need of equipment and supplies used in connec- tion with the Civilian Defense Program to provide protection to life and property in case of attack by the enemy, and WHEREAS, the city is Linable to provide, for its proteciZting the afore- said equipment and supplies; and aanaks, pursuant to said act 31 Congress, tha executive :4 11 and the regulations issued pursuant thsreta it is "1''): 0, in order to secure such 113, 'P and supplies, that the Mayor or othar .Lo 101 civil officer of the city, execute, on behalf .1 the city, an agreement L the form prescribed by the Office of Civilian. Defense and designated as "OCD Form Ns. 501", and WHEDEAS, said form of agreement has been submitted to this Council at tire meeting and. the Council is fully cognizant of the stipulmtions aria conditions therein contained: NOM, THEREFORE, at IND RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 10 0. CITY OF ALALEDA that Di. C. Godfrey, as INlayor of the City of Alameda, be, and he 0' hereby, autho- rozed and directed to ex acute as such mayor and on behalf of the City of Alameda, from time to time as occasion may require, an agreement or agreements substanti- ally as set forth in. said fbrm No. 501, or such modifications thereof as may be prescribed by the Office of Civilian Defense, for the purpose of securing such equipment and. supplies as may be needed by tho City 3 Alameda for the afareseld purposes. RESOLD/Oa FURTHER, that Charles R. Schwannnberg, City kanager of the City of Alameda, be, and he is hereby, appointed as the Local. Property Officer for the City of Alameda to act pursuant to Regulations Db. 1 of the Director of Civan. Defemse, and as the duly authorized agent of the above-named 301 1' to receive, on behalf of said community, loans of property of or controlled by the Office of Civilian Defense, subject to the rules, regulationm and orders of the Director of Civilian Defense with respect thereto. 1, tha undersigmed barely certify that the foregoing Essolution was :4110 and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of 1. City of Alembda in regular mseting assembled on the Tth day of :4 1, 1942, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Bransoheld, Howe Jones Maurer and President Godfrey, NOE7: Nona. ARSENCU Nora. IN WITk• =FEU I have hereunto set• my hand and affixe1 . the official of said City this Eith. day of April, 1942. NOR= R. BEATIE (SEAL) City Clerk of 311 City f Alameda. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. flail, true and correct copy of 'idesolutior. NS. 2734, AUTHORIZING EXERUTICY OF nALEESTMENTS WITH RESPECT TO ROANS OF' SUPPLIES BY THE OFRICE OF CIVILIAN =FUSE AND APPOINTING CHAR= R- 30310, '31000 AS LOCAL BROTERTY OFFICER," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 7th day of April, 1942. ) 3 is / 7 -4/Silak 04' Ci y Olerk of ihesCi'ty of Alameda.