Resolution 02740RESSITUre. .0. 27TO GANDELLING TITUS TAXES GN REAL PRETE= ACCUIRED SX' TEE VETERANS' WELFARE, c4 nD OF TEE STATEEF CALIF=LE. WHEREAS, the City of Alameda hbrehofore assessed and. levied tainds for general. municipal. purposen against a certain parcel of real. property situated. in. the. City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, statEn rend property was assessed to J. CA Jardine and. Flori d. Jardine for the fished. year 1924-1929 and. which taxes were levien. thereon. for such fiscal year in the sum of :!'lL0.32, the parcel of land.. hereinbefors referred to neLEg mare particularly described as follows: Oeginning at a point on eau Scut:he:intern line of: Mound Street, distaht tacroon nouthoefterly 92 fee*, 9 inchoo from the intersection those:if with tho Southwestern lize of Jackson Street, as said Streets are shown ex the Rap hereinafter re- ferred te; end running thence Dottnwesterly along said lire rei Bound Street El feet; trboco at right angled Southeasterly iDO feet; thence at right angles kbriincastarly Al. feet; thence at rignt aholps Rertawcaterly, ITO feet, to the coirt of he a Arionats. ETMEM Lot 17 and peation of Lots 16 and lam in Dloch said lots and Oloon are dedirtatol and so desig- nated :Aram that certain 'Map adtitled, Tian of Adamoda, Shrobynd and drawn by J. T. Stratton, 1699," filed in Liter 6 of I*21,2.7d: ifl .'dfi*Loc, of the County hecorder of Aidmeda Comaty; ann WHASAAO, it spatiufectedilly ducesriog to thit Council from tie verifier pm:Stier nf "'stereos' Jelfarp hoard of file StdiA of dulifornis bearing Lae date of Earl' 27, 19A2 ana on file with chm iimtabil of the City of Aidoeud, and thde Cpuhail upon satinfactery proof thereof so rindr, that after the time that said asaessachts and takes peceme a lion on Pas saia parcel of real traperby said tarsal: cf reoi property oat ncrdired dna ooncd, and over "nan Peer abd aco is ouned, by oho foteransi 'Welfare Board of tro Spate 4. lalifohoia, a thhilo comm.:ration, ntd I:sonnet of such public ownership is rot sucject to sego for delihoushic t**.X6S; and WHKRHAS, the aforesaid taxes and assessmonts dovied on said parcel of land, in the amount hordirbefore set forth, are unuald and uncollectody 4.. -4 THEREFRE, HE IT RESOLVED EY TEE COUDDIB us' arE CITY OE ALAMEDA, the written consent of the City Attorney of the City of' Alameda having been given haretofore as required by Inw, that the aforesaid uncollected taxes and assessments charged or levied by' tne City' of Alameda for city purposes upon thd aforesaid parcel of real property, together with all penalties and. coots 'Emerson be, and the same are hereby, cancelled, arta the Auditor and Tax Collector or other officer of the City of Alaawria nnving the custody of' the record thereof, are hmreby authorized. and. directed to cancel such taxes and assesekonto so levied. or charged, together with all penalties and costa thereon, and to make arproordate entries and records of such cancellation on their respective books; and La IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that if the aforesaid parcel of real property- has been sold to the City for non -paymont of any of 'rho aforesaid uncol- lecte1 . tahos, assessments and penalties or costs thereon bereinabove ordered to be cancelled, and. a certificate of sale or deed therefor has been issued to the City, and the 4' '417 has not disposed of said property so sold, the officer having custody of tne record thereof he, and ha is hereby, directed te cancel. the certi- ficate of sale or deed. so issued. BE IT FURTHER RESULTED, nnytning in Phis resolution to the contrary notwittstendlne, that this resolution and. ordbr shall not be construdd as cancel a 'Ens or authorizing tho cancellation of any taxma. or assnesments levied or chaTged against any posses:Eery interest in. said rarcel of reel property or of any special... assessment taxbs idyibd againnt said parcel of real property by the City of Alameda pursuant tb the provisiorn of the "Anoaisition and 7) -4 Act of 1929". * * * d * * d V * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the. foregoing Rbsolution was duly and regularly introduced dud. adopted by thb Council. of the City' of Alameda in regular meetino :assembled on the 5th. Hay of May, 1942, by- the following mete, to Afed9 Cooneilmon Srarseneld, Sonen, Maurer and President Godfrey, (4). NOEC: Nora. AlSESDNch Courtifirmar Howe, IT) DTRITE53 Difffiti5524E I have hereunto set my rand anti affixed the official sead of said City this 6th. day' of May, 1942- LOREVE R ETAATTE (Bihar) City Clerk of' are City' of Alameda- I rarely certify that the foregoing is a fall, trae and correct copy of 'Resolution No. 274.0, CANOELFTEG CITY TAxEs ft: REAL PROPERTY ACQETAXED THE =LANS' TFLEAFE BOARD OF THE STATE OR CALIRgEYFA," introduced ana adopted iv the Countil on the 5th day of :May, 1942. /0 Etrk of the Otty of Alaradan