Resolution 02742RETOLILIFICL, ((Ow. 272,2 ELPFEOVING ?CM, CONTRADT FOR 'I:EFT-nil AID IN OEF OF EIFEZ—FIGIFFING ITFEL... ENT DETSTFEEL COMITOL,2712, IN ALAMEDA COUPLE, ATED AUTRUttp RESOLVIILe, That the (2.E.yor of the City of POILetreds is nereby authorized, ow:Towered. and directed, en behalf of She City of Alar]ods, to e:ntacnte that cc-Train contract dated hlay 27, 194✓, for mu'real aid in. the of f1teedfigrnteLL,4 equipment belenirde to the partiep thereto, in. time of elpasteD of such magnitude tbe'it the firesfightin equipment: of "any reaTty thereto is Emeeecente to cope with. such dds- ester, whicn seid. contract sEall be in. form and cstostance in accerdanro with the," copy of oaid contract fftiee witb.. the Dity of the City of Alameda or Jure 2, 942, erld wnich seld contTect is hereby approved, referred. to, and mwde a part bereoC as if the same wbre fully incororated herein; tNe oartdee to 20id. contract to be 3U,,... of the following an shall dtay execete the. same. ALVARADO COtTOTY FIRE PROTEOTION SICITHIOT CITY Or ALAFTED daitetnerib (50,2212y. e1f OTrity,201., typeastrirey CidtE OF ALLEUY OdELD: VALLEY COiriTY }213,(2 it(I,VEC2(,..,It pis j6r,' CEEDidaiLLE EreNTY ELHI FFOTE,CT Yoe a., ,C5522d5' 12.22,5 DESPELEttiLLT, (5 7.5E5" mi.55375a (,55(15(T 5 C5555( 05(...1(55A elPsi iFertttieT, ew JIESEL :U•2 NILP2 OCTET': IdEE pi(a1-2(-(5n55(55( DLPINICS' 5ED570015 5,50.(J3.1517(' 1517(i7 15(ECT,1055LOS5 LU.3.1555,1(0T I, the undersiqhpd, hpreby certify liroat the foregoin€( Reoolution was duly (and regulaily illtroacwa and acostea. be the Connell. Of the City' of Alameda in. rep(wiii! mooring asoembied or.. the 2rd. clay or (Leto, 5942, ' 'rine fellowiez vote, ro wee( ( 5 dELS: Counpilreen Dratscasid, Howe, Pones, ,_a .v and President (,Psenittecy, htE523: FOrp. AtiSEKT: Thne DITErEs3 vitLatd0f, 4. haws percent° Set my hard ans.. affiwwd. (she offi- cial ,'..-5?(.(5.52. s(15.1.51 (5.i.t.5( this :(31.„(3. (lay (55( June., 1.9152. 11...C5P,E55((( , 53(5.A5(577( (7,1(55r15 (55( 151.(e T der tnet "she ferestoing iS prep .F.p5s. correct copy cR miesolution Dot 274E, APPd! CON5..R2,01' 55(,J5 AID IL( USE OF' 72(1.PE- ,:eleRTIF,L 521(.(.722,ET C(L(PELL5LOWE .A]..]:((j..575.55A qedrppq Atp AdTuehIElq- („2:255Frpuly0E IEFICrUTP," .5(aitroduct,(1. and aect(Oted. by' the Ponsil on the 2nd ewy of rdnp, 194.2t 10.amecley,