Resolution 02750!.111:111110LITTI 1rT 1117 ;11 111 ql ;1-1 .1,114..0.: 112 '1113, :111120 111-.1_ :11 01, WEEREA3, thc City of dflorser.s. LLd issler. for general. munanipal pumposer aFbEnet certain parcels of real property situator in. the City of Alabedie, Ccomlty of .Alnxda, State of California, hereihafter .._...re purtioularly rfierred. to, whimr taxes were arsersea and ltuilea. respectively ;Uxr the yarre end 1.r . trn amcanto und eo the pox:tons hrreinfUer tet forth, to wgtb (a; Trims for 1929-7 in tre onntunt of '.;;;4,4,00; Assessed to O. W. Leekanz anr. Belle Lesbrans; On Lot 9, mole of "gtbrian Tract, Aleirraa, °Pl."; (Ii; Serer for 1928E29, in 'trio aacurt of g4g6.10; Arserser to Julius grodez. and Earsan Crodem; On Lot ig, di:TT cf ""Thrtabson Park 1;act, Alanahlz, California"; ;;;) (14xec for 199;1-32, in the amount of ;g6g,18;. Asse ssor. to id. I. dirObrad and. Virginia E. htx:ibuold; On Lot ilo. 11, ie. Eflork C, or mhe of "Watson:Lae Teorrace, riatuiari, Cal."; ( ; Taxhe for 19.31-W32, in thr arsount of 021 . Adoesoed to hrlter Andernon ;rig. hdroi, apg.),(4sorti, Cr. postiox of gloc.4 C7, on mqa entitlfda. "Einar of Alameda SuTzTed. dream by Jh TA Strattoa 1853"; (e) Taxer for 1927-28 1,2rA imataitmant), ir the, apount of V.7.4.2;. Assezzed to Nonle 2. Juctice arid Harlan 3. Irrtlee: On not 412, in Bloeh. f, on. rap or ""urrisitAr„ Altinesa, Coliforniar; Cf; Tarec Inmu 1927 92g, in the. orpount of i)).48.96; Assessed. to :Noble TX Justice and Ehrupr B. Justice', On. Lot iTo. 44.5, in Block. X, on map of "Ferriside, Alaimo , C r, a , y, 1.9:o5c; (Ma Tafes for PY29 -30, in thh amount of .44..g..00; Assesced to Walter T. Arderoor end Edra id. Maderoihna, On .1,0, 07S, in olock 2, or .map or "Fernside, AirdiebE, Ialefornin, 1fPY, 102;;"; (r/ Tame for 1930-31, in. tha aMount of gC0.180, Asobseed to :spoor Doodt onr Eliza r. Boodt; 00 Lut 175, ir glhrdc on. mhp of "Eernride, Alameda, callforrion"; fitfr in tii alnifInt , Assehoed CC, ,c,)C,If,' .7% And Ehrirn gust-Ice; Oh Tit h m 170, in .010cla I, CL iflp 2f 1 'Fi:rn2,10„.€7:, Eheohe, 4021;forrla";, (j. ;azeda fur A202 --).0a, in th" ,Looet ed ,a bC) C'cfcC, igexplstah Ar'sz; yr, set ; 0 "CC gran, goo, (k) ,c,c5]-1-,c,:,, in ha:, enoTrt. , of f27.(..f3.; A.. .se 7 Arshur L. Cot.b.fhled. all Eeisur01 chZt22144t, Oh not o. 40g, ar Blast t, oa :ash u) "7eruzios, blomeCe, Cfilibrala, X4y, ;1) ;hoop Cep i970 - -120, 1p C1C 3 A. Peurzrzy nea h. Sccuerby; CE. 10/ Pe. 4?2, in T]ock L, on TC,-,C, "T'erhogab, Erannhe, Ieillornia"; (11.) Tatto for :1917 siri, in 'one onuanh mg 1131.d4; hzeerroh ho oh, A. rothorby rna Ella e. 'Astro:ors; dhl ,31CCIC, L, or zap. ff "Soros:air, boarca, Chir"crtia": (n) Timhz irs dui]. AC?, =n ueL of )19.2-7; Los e4444 to CiuLara J. 1cl O.,oriym C: tort:Ion nr Tote 0"T. hi(' 0" "("T" lf fof 44!Td0r; aha ;or"; Treat, ribxmle"; ;o; 1rxho End ;r ,l; enoart of 027.40; IThseashO te sibue a ,. rapalanf era 0, a CY lie Tow-. uf haarrin hajbaLia ;el Taxes for 1926-29, in the amount of .;(,,11.73; Assessed to Nobin F. Jastiee aria Mbrian. B. Justice; Ch property beginning •X a point on the Southern line of day islano Avb., dhstant thereon Easterly S42. feet from the -intersection thereof with thb Eastern line of Regent Street; oar runsing thnhee Easterly alenz ssid linn of day Island Avenue, 42.96. feet; therse at rigt angins Southerly 100 feat; tbenee at right angles Westerly 42.96 feet; ard. thanes at rinitt angles lierthnfly 100 feet to the pornt of belinnAng, (6 8bAed for 1032-33, La the aribant of (n4.4.1,i Assessed to Albert C. Wyber; On portion of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 6, in Block Y,InD entitled "Plat of the Laws:1414.g division, Alarinhas; (10 Faxes TOT 1.9.:),2 -33, in thb amount of 50355., Assessed to 6. (McGregor; On pertinn of Sloes. d, or. map entitles; "Fdbt of ane L eweleirs; Alaronda"; f(efl Toxed for 1929-30, in. the amount of (026.50'; Assessed. to dibrence h. Traver Emu Jennie I. Traver; On. property on tne Western. lima of Versallos Avenue, bogilinng at a ebint distant thereon 240 feat brt.jlibTly f rond oin t of Fhtereection thbreof with the "Nbrtherr. linb sf Spend Vista Avenue, runhing thence lebptherly along saib. line of' fersailles Avonde 40 feet; thehne Westarly paisolani with shad dird, of Esbna Vista. Avensfe 140.50 feet; thence Seatnerly parallel witb sa(d. rine of Vernal:fibs Avenue, 40 rest and nnenbe Easterly pardis- lel with. said lene of Eaena Agenbn 140.50 feet to the point. of rosinniha. (t) Taxed for 1928-29, in thb embort of Assessea to dibrenne d— Traver ano jenple 4. Traver; prohcrty on fhb Western llne of Versailles Ayerbo, beginnihy liotont thereon. Rnrtherly 2.,66 feet from. thn C.. Lon thereof 'yth. the Northern Urn of Poona Tisza Avensn, o4n ranblng ementie Fortberly along saib. 'inn eV Versailles Avnnse, 40 feet; thence Westerly parallel with sand. inhe of Dscrta Vista feebase 140.50 feet; thnnbe destnerly earalled„ with said line of Versailles Aranun 40 feet; and. trends Easterly paral- lel with said line of Sonna Flute grease, 14,6.50 feet to thn point of' beginning, (s) Taxed fer 1928-29, in the amodnt of 5:737.74, tO .:.H.OLIe F. ehetice sap Marian E. jasticri; On. prorbrty on the Southern Erne of Say isihnd vennse beginning adbuont tfl..02&:)11 dasterhy tie faot from. tab point of intersection thereof win the Paztern iAnn of aegont Street; fanning finance Hastadny aibrg said line of hay dblano Avnnne 40 feet; thence Seunherly haralEel with raid linb of Regent Street 1.00 feet; thence westerly and. haraddbi witn sand ddne GT' Fay island ,e„(s=hue 4.0 feet; thenbe Ecutherly parallel. with said line of Rephet Street, 100 feet to the point or haging- Mn-n n.:3 nor 1926-21, in ;too esentutt " 212.24; Asoassoo to teotice ars easish ,artjon; On t Poverty hoginning at s hdiat e" the Abutlohn line of jay latasi Abense Jiotoht stereon Eesteely 3.'75 feet intersection trees-JO with the Fesherr della here o6 day islara Averse., 43 fatt; ehce et fasal analea Sottherly 1(6 t. rash; thence at eigEt anXjbo, eeetee6;56 z5 fette; 65e Vonrce at 100 faan to thb hoinn td begibhirea, :ewes fa« id( ( -nu nt , w n; '1,nnout. ('s43.29; sae Feviro "E Fovh=; En -02;_iC..0:: nf niocnn nn,„, UT' 7.,,lUaE Survagest by Jas. In itsatton, day 1, 166/"; Fsf, faxed fur 192d -09, is tho amount of dle_68; Ch part:ion of Ent ab. 9 in the Ebstern half of Tdoer A, oh "Man of Adjacent to the Town. ee' Enbinaa. Albseas debnty, Cal."; ladbos for 1920-29, in the amount of T71.10; se,a Tnthony an Saohm end Delilab Simomo On portion of Block bo. lo. of the of lancinal, on. map entitled "Plot af the Strube:ft Tract, ohtbdrig proterty of Bilike B. ltevant in Blocks 1-2-01 aGe. -la -lb - glif -19 -3Ple-Cal and 32 of Town of Encinal" aug in. Bloch. 7, Adjacent to the Town of Ebbioad"; tx-; Tares for 1932-33, in tab amoubt of bdb.70; Angessel to dohm G. 7Milmar and. Ernal I- Volimax; Gn Ibt Bo. 11, im. Plonk on e;p entitled 'blab of Oak Park, Encinai. of alsmeda, Abaneda Beauty, California"; (aa) -Boxao fon 1928-29; im tne umoubt of :11;27.54..; Asaebspa So Eowry Bimon. and Lena 11. Simon.; Boweimninp It thb point of kitersection. of the Western of Fifth Stropt with the Soothbrn ef Pocifib odumitlek rubbing; tbehme bion;o shin 'western dine et PlEtt. Street 37 foot and e: inches; thence ;Westerly and baTsfiel wieh said. line oi Pau:if:id Avenue S5 feet; trance Eortherly parallel. with sadd line of Plfth Street 37 feet 6 tanned; to the Soothbro line of Faciffb Avmnue; cad. thence Tobtorly olonz oold Bouthmor line of Pablo-fib avenue 85 feet to beginning; TaWCS for 1927-2a, tbe amount of 'il7.32; Assessed to Glorebba L. kraybr and tennole i. Trod/Thy; On caution. of Lot e, in.. Bloch 0, On map entitleo 'Amended. Eno of ft bsubdimasioh of the osight Tibant by B. D. Bacon and P. A. Booldin, Tlameda, January 1891"; (co; bovet for 1.924-25, lot tne amount of $7t9.74.; Assessed to 'lam. ;dater Smitt.ann. Lyles Bs, Smltn; On. acrtlon of Tinch Eh- 1, an map entitled "Ebb of the: Oboe-in iwoot, Alameda, Subdivided Bovbmbedn, 1870 by W. F. Porlb,3Fbab C. E.", the parcels of land bereibbefore refeTred. to belpez respectively more particularly dbecribod in the verified. let ,.._N of bnb Vetenabb' Welfare Board of tbe State of laliforoia dbted. Elay 20, 1922; ana.. it sdatloractorily appearing to mhim Council fram said verified pcJition on file wGth the Cooncil of tne City. of liameda, and ;his Council upon batiefactbry proof thereof so fUnds, that after the lite that said. assessments and. taxes became a. bleb rdspeotively ca. tac: said. pamdedb of real property eadd portals of real.. property wawa aettodred and owned, and. El er since have been. and now are owneM, by- the Vetarabb' Todfame Board of the State of Salifornlo, a public corporation, amd because e2 comb. public ownership are not subject to. sale for de - irbonent taxes; and. grUntindAB, thb: afowenald. taTms aud doobsobants levied. or said ranabotive parcels of land, in the amoboto rentectlyzely amroinbefore set forth, are u•bol leated and nbaain; blow, odknitits0;;;, nbi IT BY- TTTFP ,JCIMICI1 OF 'THE CITY OF ThfilidDA, the written. coherent of the City AtIoufney of the City of Alabgbdo haTing been given here- tofore as required by law, that the aforesaid. uncollected. taxes and assensments chbwEbd or leyini by the cels City of Alameda Tmr city pummooes upon the aforebaid par- of real pro:booty, together with oil bbidalties and. costs tberear, be, and the same ame hereby, osovourled, and the AhLEtor and Tax OclEactor or other officer of the City of Alamedb having the custody af the rat .d thereof, are hereby authorized. and directed to carpel such tavas and. aseessmacts so levied or chursedi toghther with ell penalties and bests thereon, and to xnaXe appwobolute entribs amd reaord of sumh careellation ob their ronpobtive bbokb; P7 IT T..T.'.714Wr; IllWhbETWD !GB) cap-5:::n.z1) that if any of the aibmemaid. paroels of maul property habb been sold to the City for non-payment of any of the anfmresaid; nnacllebteb. taxes, assacomonts chU. pebaltias or boots tharebh. floral-babe-so ordered to bo co.:boiled, and. a certificate of sale or dbeh. therefor hab bebn issubd. to the City, and thb City has not: dGstosed of said property so solh, the officer bev.ta3 dastody of the record thereof' be, and he is hereby, dirooted to cancel the certi- ficate of sole or deed so issued- BE IT PERTJEW BPEOTTED, anything jm bbis resolnbabon to the ountrary not a vbfebwTvgding;, thot this resolution and orhmr oball not be construed ao cancelling or antborizing the bangellotian cf any- 0does or asses3mbnts lovieb. or charged against any pmssesoory lbtbrebt En said parcels of real aroparty or of any special uesesabrit taxes levied. ogbinat said parcels of real property by thb City of arameda thershant to tbb oinombeigna of tbe "Acgoinition and Mama-Beet:boat act of 1..92". I, undersiocyni, .hnveby certify tha.t Ure fore,din.s, Resolution was (Judy ond re.,c,rderly ihtrodoced ard adofted. by- the Council of Ob..e Oily of .Alorleds in. regular rheeting assemddid ou 2hfl. (Ley of Juno, 1942, by- ace IhS,22„fivalliF vote, to win: ATIdS: Councilmen Thhancudffold, 'Howe, Jones, Nhfurer and. FTesideht nodh5favy, (5) , 1,023,5: 1,23 COO T 1ton e fd2TT712: 51252212fECJI , I rudre hereunto set my hohal. and. affixed. the official seaC.. of said City this 5frd. day of Jude, 1942, 102 ty C C' hereby certify that tne forcesoin,3 S troa and. correct copy of cd2esolution. are, 2750, CSIPTELLItell Clare TAXES OH P2221,L P220222Teldf 22,02,52TRED TUT, VIT25,2,225,2T 252222f222,222 TOS5122 CUT TT] Chl CALII205,122212," introduced onui adopted dry th.e Council. on the 23:,j:1 1:y Of lure, inctin .g,425 C2, c e t y c a, tonic d-Ta :