Resolution 02754RESOLUTION NO. 2754 REiCCIVED IE1 02 TEE CITY' Cd' AL:J.:a:a:, that curcuaut to prouticeiceic of Article titic Chatter of the. Chity of Alameda, and. iccon nintelnatiou of the 1....layor, Char los E. i.s netraby appointed to thn office' of nmeer of the Oluil Service Bacidd of thn Ci.ty. of Alambda for a term ocnfliattlegy: July ly 1042 and exulting on :June 30, 1927, and. until nie suncessor is appointed anti chalifiedu the unCnrcifetnd, hereby' certify iflant thn. foregoinki, aeJOlUtiOn nns duc.y and. regularly' inttodunc. and. anocted by. the Council of the 1.044, by. the fullowlerg vote, to wit: dief.ES: Coitiniimen franzdhcid, Hoge, innee, icuicar President Occ.faey, ,05), official dhnl af' Eid ty. thla d.rd deg of Tana, 1042. 7lity u: the City of Alaaeda. hbreby certify t. dho fore:iid,tdedg is a fuel, tdun anc correct copy int' "iiiesetutint etc, , LENTECIR Oit 20.4.350," iftroducen au2. aChttdd by the Council DTI tha 2.1in day uf Jahn, 1042. JjGrK 03'