Resolution 02757ErrOLUT1Ch RO. 27P?
dildhEhd, dalLaS E. natl L52 tendered 212B resigniarich ao a_ termer of
the Retirement "doard eib. of tbt Hand-bug Authority of the City of Alomada;
',Vali:Riad:3, he has served tht City of Alanda in such capacities for
Mle past several years and has gibeh. freely. anal unstittin.gly of his time.
and ability' for flop laprovement of our City and thu prototioh of the
welfare. of its people;
11' R1E017.1D that we, the rambero of the Cturtil of the City of'
Aloheda, lt regular session atdefibled, bnre express to Jramps E. Hall
°or sinocre re3reta 1.:re. the otpasion of hns retiremert from potlif.
tanotd frienathid, ond esteem,
undersined, htteby certify. that foreroito Resolution
. Rig
Wa5 aaly and. red;ularly introduced ata adueted cy tne eouncil 1...„ne
City. of Alomada in regular teeting assenpled on. tne ?nu. dhy of Juhp,
1942, by the following vote, to wit:
Contallmex 3ranacheid, Howe, Jones, Maurer and Preoldent
has: h43,3 nhaRtgr, J. have settee:tit° set ray band osid offiren
official seal of veld dity that "2,rd day ad 1942.
Clerk, of the Ofty of fithme
hereby' cendfLfy that the :frfregoina is a full, true ant:
copy of '''ResciStitium. Ro. 29.57, IN AI.,-1-2EzEo-J1(27,,,a d'h5. Re131.1.0
.(1T1 TAY7,1; It :1A11.," intro6uvtd and adopted. by tPe Cx:.hicil on. tee 2nd.
pJ.' Jura, 1942.
ibleacip therif: