Resolution 02758tIESOISITION NO. 2758
",cur17.) BY TEE TrJEITEL =ATE'S 07' 1,YERICIE
,7774,ne:rtt, ten fetter ',fates or Artorior; oo fin:ft:4 2L, '942, reretofore
ina5117a-Ut-Oa COnaa:OrOaaraLOO a-fOCCOUi,o7fa, tr or:inert nomonn nttajrzc eertatr, rareefs nf
4ned tr. tte j4,ity 02 ALartedn, 1;7 filinb; no aotiftte i4 tho 2ietrtet Coartr of ttte
Unften. tjttntan ebr tne tforthern Diotricu of Cajjfttonia, Soutnerr Divlotor., tt.o.
2219'3-'9, coliftfed Isitod Stutos of Anor.loo, ITItcUitif`I, 7. 7.66 ;acre% of land, 90rf
bey, ih ble,brele InsrAoe, Oerlevaro, et al, Derendnots, ;tette
roroatto botrb, rrere onntleelarly OOOCT-L'OOO' la 17,,a'C Bottinracian of' atakArn, tbre COO-
blatnt e4e L.e f4artmort i4 ;fajta aottoe, titee tn neid parrots ras r4re OaST,OO
jr 9r;t: bniboe art-tte2 of Arferioa; ;end_
tbrjdtenti, tre 9nited Ctites sf strefion, actits by ettO trroanea j.tat; attorrey
ttiooenie t;earentf, OrenJial feststaret te a71,t0fOe.Y Uorofai, shCs
COU.aaiL, ia letters iorit )6, fuse' La,,a Tore 3, f9;f5, reopoctivelt;-, to orneet
ciLy tertre etti absettaltentt for 1942-1945 on the oar-reit, of Ione tentrihabove noecrroa
to; allft
oaA.LaliNiaJi0O. 1,'.o), of Section :3,-912, of Ordittorre Sm, ttew
Series, sf t City of Alt:fends, TunrsidtrJ that hity taftee !lay canuelled. whet. such
taxes 'rave been levied. on. proeerty nog-AI:roc, after the 'Tier date by the United Stetst
of Amurion:
all Ulti cof nfsosso tlefutsetertf hnd tfttot, fnefualnf ae,,b0F,olfebte, lido ennui -
niiine nro So,frnveueot Thictfinhp Itn„ J., Tn. 2 and Tr), :3 of Ids nfone,io, fnf
thi fincni iifef -1)4:3 ee, etr. trf ebnc afa chh,-e.eaa,3a ca3 ,a.,(03 636 all of
,36va'hal ,3r bnreeenferny oetortbe▪ e Atr :b.:trot:tree to it Thc Souf]eint
Ts sofd ohtinn rt sasntlo natebbtrta effrti 1 j.,3 • a
.00ar Lc -!a,13(3Y:3:
ht. H. Sertth
telnezabetr, rler-Oni
Cnocondo etabatini
Arreot ristorius
2ertna. funt:ar, ...reent;
Sey Slford and.
JonIUsid uford
BohiSera SdreSull
taiThEl jh
.1OL 1.;;OthiaLa..).2 d LLK O,O0 ijaCijal'aa ihr Oh,j 77O ilaijoh.' 0 f Laiae C179
and to oldftde aoToodrolate ontries a:J.1d rendrod of s canoe:1_1a t ion oa_ their resdeo-
t.,1..vE o .
1.7.-dtd01.,On 1,711,71.T.T.,R , ay tifin ',-71-,f5.3 o ottoti on. t o ocr,t nary dy
3_ Loy:Lodi chaidsoed Edda anto of s oft d e'001. 011'0 001:"1:::,r 0.00 1.4".0,0L )2100' b e
cto rid drop d fo t,Ite fLad ;,,,ndar 1 91, 2 --77'7,7", .,,,,. ".7.9 pird y noon, .
.71,77 t rid 7w d
ono ,1 tto, tnto o t2,,no
.117 oda „
do-,,,fm. to sot diy tomd and. n. f f foxed e f -
ontal .01; S S; 00 doy of tune , 192,2 ,
77,77'17 :d7.72,7
taxes, assedndoefto nnn soodidl. dosessrfeots neidrred. to in th.e
f e o ocno fold t :I .
A? e y e , O, t Id 0 'do :11=0".0.„■1'.,:t tit I, true add. n or p of
7 d afj, "2,3 Oto-i,d,try
1;7,7,:" 'f riff , „Atli, to, A Ify,,,Yrd, not ed (..1. ol.cdo t o Ofiti