Resolution 02760ITC" 2760 ono ah„ Lufe-„, ann. style. of loodell, L"fyers Sa .lesTy, be, ana tney are nereayn tdra a, artya ascoar tants f0 tel O, City arie Or. f 0 tf,e, a I' It, 42. -.191,3 fof tna ausesse of Lavashigating done transartrfns and atfiititot Myr bsof,o and.. ascoandts al' ash. of:floes and Of,, -leers of the Slaty, in assorsaface vt",th said. es flora f sadoral fled if, sea t.T cods 12.-2* s r .) d 1.2 —.4 ( ) t t Gity of raamoda, TaLtt,d7LS,ISIN td, at. the coals otos a 1, ion o 0(leal. , CT'S r for thrjr S2,27'1OCO", 'CO refiaorod ta sala bify darinr. the. fiscal year 1142-1942 talart :Ira. fro les oars and rya:sant, s cif a 1:: 'Lase fel. ea tun o ffdiasha tts, 0 f the, 0 t s afofetad. bo, and tan OC,f',.6 fl-.T.ea. at tht total ",i1"2„5)9.00„ tC, t s. th(s Ina-) 1.1 fd p o d, y e „ o ec, teroO, le,: f 212.. vi . r fornaL, ause,r, seal d ":7: o fa' ..,„, d a, a a a, ha - (al •o: C., • 1, n' y sys sta .a eery