Resolution 02765Osinittinn" bits dlabbau, st ni., abensattantet, tbk, 22OtOeb ji One nisieict t cot oak:, , rre. tr .1r...bre; . Cele: :cj j-ket- tette eta crotinsj; teen oc,,, n ackr ens: Jai buttes t inti tesi s e et a te said. thetbliy line of jo otain .111T,r3.11,1,3 tr. dejtre intict s J:1 ,je., :foe ts.:1,1„ lye t orrbb, ,:b'b y ],b1:11001,11 icejj e et J.; -to o ,ny j t -able c,C e Juana tent s tort b ,ninnekkbe ce kb: ic ost su t s ciestO es:Olaf line et.' t *Greet e :bassi fo (...n.ton einJ no.r,„ousik inf the sou- :runt, o onJ.sa.i-, e]C :kn.:, bob konier sit alosnif :Lance boa' tn. bib a. a ete k, 2o mit Ube jcb.n:tt ELL (DV : bbo inkilte a to: d cerst 'net fooin Une o eio tt, ble att oinntss best retool .1 et 'to so Id oast or to line fel ftint e et: feet to 1 CY" ," er, r rr, foe rye vre r, fdfbJ ;be, bb Jj stf,ot 1 if 'oho di ,, aintkinJo b o killaon to aoospt tne oi j0JeaCC, denosicea fs ono fJonuff: if one -stove ens nolt on On Pfn Pc t f 'on at onj eaij' atei in ca tin b Off on ff inn; t:o jaff oakpenon'oisn f dk ttb for puepo,,,,,js under rnk nnts7 not uncle- o ooj eu t car ono lbutk k.seiff,Jyt, Docket bet 4-Y12 , ff.ti tio e inittovement to be oonstnun ten on so d. uno or so i pre j cot wjkl. be of bnn ef it to tfe people of ebb, b it y 2litkoda City ;It b brae k ,., s la ty oe area ft la hereby, este or is:obi to in sotto action, on Denten- or tne fity of altriens, 8fl answer catair forth ton Cit y ce,nni yob, o ef, f larad 1,Cere 0.1.1 ,:' Jen the 1 1 ettien 'ears particantociy: cif:so-caned ntn clebeffeatrz at oetnkokat.(in tor tbe taketnE 000 , Her,",11 ,CereL re, bee , Joban s roby autnetiiizea to enter into a stitfaation. in. saia actiou 0,1r. behalf of the City of' jj. 1 at fain casks or teffif a :bud kkiont o f ebbink; d offn sant, t 1 bbn. o c tot k kurocl land by the nleintifT in said fOr fnetit purposes, sus. erovialxsi cny- utin 1 f. 1,, ',err', r,e,3 ter 1 bbf 000 , if: Ir I, the under's haf a.by c of tify znat the fold...by) itrt, Rua dl.o. dat3 aly and re Eptia i dt pd at, c. and. a d op ted. by C °dna it. of th e. bity of it]. ame aa re:addar Tb: t Ifft ar5 s dab) D.. ad t be 1.1S. t a day of June , 19.42 , by aha f t load n fy dro ta , to h C., 0 i I ada 3ada .yah , Tad e (tr. a s arer d fad eddIbl en t T'6 didde I b. a vd e art to Set n. an d ddh d. arf ixed. tkle off • oddi ,df 3 d ' ▪ t hi a 3...7tU day of Turd , 1 „ dEAT7fE City it late TOT.ft I laereby cart f.f y tfnt tde f or o ztti p..,y is a -Cal.,. trap ad d. correct copy' of "Pe 1 at i on o . 276 5 . IfI THE C ...O2720HEE7: OD' THE 2.7 TY OF .,,.1LO.J...57.27,:. TO • ,..6:16662.762 ▪ TCi. T)( v Tn. B oNT621,2i) • 612.7d?7761.2, " 67662(.6(66,6661. ar.d. 6210-6766d t 66 'd ,-.61.6611. 07, '61., p, t7. day of Juba , 19!„.2