Resolution 02766dind is healuitty, to lilukucto Felt ',ins, ocmotiratlor, its sonoessors and
anal:dna, to oonnotoun, 2UOU.O6O2OCU and maintaim. a. sihahto rain:nod/a spur
er.d. to operate 10C(/)nO)7AVeS, Z1/21PO Of oars thereon, with. steam. motive power, on.
ana. 3. J.__ tomuh .xiF inue in. cur City" of Alameda, Pne uentem iinu of wamon attar
tracst saacribea us follows.<
oeFihning 8t 00iflO/ CYO t/h.e center Idre if ar emlutiodg
traok in. Clement Avontio, said. no lying 147.62 foot
dausa across Clonortnavenua wud 30.0 feet: northerly- from
tne sootuern sine of. emement Avenue: deence, wehtetdvm so
tnn osau of a carva to toe riydlt having radimo of
23r.Ory lest a oistadue of. 42.6,i/ feet to a noint OP S9J/a
cdrva-u: thenuo, northwekterly, frona the aforesuau fien
hidden poirnm on toe OTOO Or a curve LO tne. hinoUnt anu
OONODO5,7, a -.radius of 19-3.29 fest, a aldrataroa atf OF.25 feet
to a. point on. naniti C",..OloTe, said. point lyittg. or.. tine nor -
thorn lira ot element Avenum r.toti beinu, a district:2e of
40.63 foot eastur3y. from. tOn erstera Iiine Chustrut
iittreaa. proadada. elehont Avsaao,.
CC. nditions:
1. That said snom track saull be noed for the trananorts.ion of
rr]oFrut only,
2. saau spur 62Q0k1 De doostrauteu and maintained levet
w t1.1 the groand, and thot all oanstruht5on, DuEretioa ord. woru
• ho peaconmou wItnuot codt or e...1,:pen56 to the City 01' ;sh.....eda.
3. Thht owdMan rits/tuanto OW"Or suoh spur trued" shall be so aoh-:
cnicstmo. no non tr ulcuk. wwwwin thus -I a, rhaeumary ordiaroir,y kosittating cipord-
twatu dart-its ',anion are aro:ikon -Du mina ;:3 J.1,1172 1,O1.:'a.O.O'o,
01: C.; a t
cost and exenos, forthwith rumour/. said. spuT tyack aha. tn-rame, rissouamnhtt u2
esin/s, the sam :kind oC data-midi_ sand oonotruction as ot.old. be omed. tho City of
uran. -An portion ef the stroet OO.,...SOOOIOU. to adid sorir traoko tne evant
reatore said shmoot us ldhn.irn.efore oravianan nno City of klomiEdia may camse
ouch ssur tnark to be remu-vea. tam "V.702k" crei ru„./..h.alytad! .3t:d/cet.
to De atoms, dna itonilttte shan.. therea.pon. be mo pay tO trle /Ale.
• DY tutio. reakorui sha of ouom hauslr GOO roctorunior,
tu this unnuosimneal, huwery th
Morly iatroauoDal end adontod by. 'St, CDunmid if City of .i.lanweiti
siins rasomhami. on the nuth. any oi