Resolution 02777RESOLUTION NO. 2777 AUTHORIZING EXEGUTJON OF CONTRAST WITH ALASESA EXAMS:ER OF COMMEIRCti FOh. AMEMYEEMETT FOR TEN FdSCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 AND APPROPRIATING $3,300.00 FOR SUCH NEN-POSER , WHEREAS, the TEMicrabe Cbrmher of Commsyce is wAlling to undertake the ork' of advertising the City of Alambda. and to carry. on all the necessary publi- city-for said city during thE fisca2 . year ending ,Y1.1116 30, 1.943, Etna WENSINAGg the production. of such advertIbing and publicity requires special services. of a professional and technical, nature and ii' 11 technical skill -1 (1 facilities; NOW, nREMENCRE, ma IT RESOLVED BA TEE COSTICIL OT' TEE CITY OF ALAM1DA that the City of Alameda enter into a contract with. tte alemeda Chamber of Com- merce fon the carrvAng oh by said Chamber of Commsrce of all necessary putlicity and. advtrtising on. behalf of the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, provided thu obligatio4 . of the City for the prodrction of sash. adver- tising and sublimity, and the services and. work to be performtd by said Advtrtiser, including reimbursement to Advertiser for its overhehd expense in producing such publicity and advertising, shall not exce12 . in ths aggregate the sun. of $9,300,00, RESELYZI, TERTHIR, that a form of' contract to be entered into by and be- tween the Alameda Chamber' of Commerce and the City of Alameda, submitted to the Council and filed with. the City Cirrk of the City of '1 13 this day, and the terms, agreentnts mad provisibns thereof be, and tbs sant are hereby, approved, REPOJTENg ESETRERT that the Mayon of the City of Alameda is hereby au- thorized and directed to execute and the City Cibrh to attest, on behalf of the Mity of Alansdam a contract substantially' in ths form. and containing the covenants, agmeements and provisions set forth in the aforesaid form. of contract. RESOLVEP, FURTHER Vast pursuant to Ordinance NM. 041, New Series, the sum of $3,300.00 be, and in hsrebv, appxopristed out of the General Fund of Mae City to be used for publicity on admertising for said City for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943 la thb manner and for the purposes provided in saib Ordinance No. 041, EMw Series, I, hae undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Rush:autism was July and regularly. introduced. and adopted by the Counsil of thn City of Alameda in regudar meeting assembled on. the 21bt day of July, 1942, bm the folluwthm vote, to wit: AIRS: Councilmen SnanscheAd, Howe Jolts, Maumer and Presidsht Godfrey, (5). PONS: Nene. ABONRIS Ttnem ID WITMESS mit:SEGE, i have bereunts set my hand and. affixed. the offis dial seal. of said.. City this 22nd day- of Euly, 1042. LORESE R. BEATEN Emu (SEAL; CAty Clerk of the City of Alameda. 4< * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of TResolution No. 2777 AUTEORIZING ERREUTdORT 07 CONSTRCT WTTH ALANEEA dRAMPTE u CONITHEEE NOR ADVERTISING NOR TFE EISCAL YEAR ERDIEG JUNE 30, 1943 AND APPROPRIATING 43,300.00 FOR GDOH pupous, introddeed and adopted by the Council on the 21st day of Julyg 1942, y C Lerk of iT "e CPC fir of AS efsed