Resolution 02779Rasol=io 1.;0 27'41 AVED 1E1ING. FER': SPADCE AND oc;I:ipLzilatT OF' A SACEECT FOR TER 1:1110ATREISENT WREST:ER Sia'ERT IN' SENg. CMITY ALDETDA faND SETEETTING ST1W CIRDE TO ADVEI:TISE Sok sf 10 BIDS, WHDPEAS, the City' of Alameda, tarsus:at to the provisions of the Streets and. Eighways Cede of the State of California and the rules and regulations oromal- gated thereunder for administering thm provisicce tharecf, submitted to Ude Di- rector of fIblic Works of thp State of California its project for the construction of a twantyatwo (22) foot byaoado on WMtster Street, Pette NC. 00, the improvaent toriancist of manstructing a five (5) inmh a1 :RU.0.111p concrete wearihg sarface On a selected material rock fill (already in place), redwood curbs, feathering out intersection. of Tynan Avenue .5,Mr, aoteeltic concrete, sad all incidental work per- taining to same; and WITERRAS, said. project end construction work. therein. contemplated have been. approved by said. Director of Public Works, and the moneys required to cover. the cost of said project have been allocated, and the exmkrutIture thereof author- ised. died approved; and WHEREaS, a contract or "Memorandum of Agreement" between the City of Alameda and. the Department of Public Works of the State of California, mderiating for the excomelaule of the 1/4 cent per gallon tax on motor vehicia fuel oil allocated for state highways in the City of Alameda W33 heretofore jointly' exe- cuted. by the City on May 7, 1941 and by the. Department of Public Works on May 15, 1041 and a Eirat Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement waa heretofoxe jointly executed. by the City on June 17, 1042 ana by the Department of Public Works on June 24, 1042; and. WHEREAS, plans and soscificatione and special provisiona fox Sue ime proyement and work nereinbefore referrea to hsxe been prepared by the City' Emgireer of the City of Alamoda and approved by said Director of Pullin Works, and filed. in the office of 1 City Clerk of said City on the 21st day of July, 1042, and numbered DW 7-22; NOW, THEREFaite, SE IT RE:SOLVED - TER COJECIT OF TER CITY OF ALAMEDA that the aforesaid plans and opecificutione and special. previsions be, and the same are herely, approved and. adapted. RESCIWRD, FURTHER, that the performance ana completion of the work specified in said project and in. said plans and specifications be and tne same is hereby, authorized- RESPIRED, FORTIER, that tem general preyng rate of per diem wages and. rates for imgsi holiday ant overtime work in. the locality in which. said work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman. or mechanic needed to exe- cute thm contract for said. work ia hereldy ascertained and determined. to be as follows: cLASSIFICATG(T SCALE PER HOUR Bricklayers Bricakm(s Hadaarriers Enimeere. (8 hrs.) Blade Grado Oporntore (finish worhi - - - 1.62A. dompresmor Concrete Mixer (except paying type, ) - - 1.26 Concrete Mixer (paying type Dragiice o to one yard) Dragline (over one yoxd. ) - - - - - 2.00 boiler Operators Shovel Operators (up to 0 incl. one yd) Shovel Operators (over onm yard) Truok Crane Tractor Operators Labor:aim) General Laborers Concrete Workers (wet and. dry) - - - - - - - - - - .93-3/4 dacknemser Operators (and. handlers of pneumatic tools) - - - 1.00 1.00, Truck Laborers - - Watchman working' - - - Vitrified. (1, concrete pipe laying - 1.15 Form strippers - - - .03-3/54 pLAssuicATIo SCALE PER DAY TEAT...STETS (8 ikuck Drivers, Auto-less than. 4. yds water level - - - - - -- A7.50 Truck Drivers, Arto-4 yds R loss than 8 ydp - water level.. - - 3,50 Truck Drivers, Auto-8 yds 33 over water level 12.00 Wet Mix Truck Drivers-less than 2 ydo - - - - 8.00 Wet Mix Track Drivers Wet Mix. Truck Drivers - 5 yds - - - - - - -- 01a OVEREATS RATES: Cardenters: ET). of regclar rate for first 4 hrs. and double aMne thopeafterS Cement Finishers: la. of regular ratc after 4:30 and. for nest (3 hrs., and double time theraafter. General Laborers: la oT regular rate for first 4 his. and up to 8 hrs., and double time thereafter. All Other Clamsificstions: Dcuble time, SATARDAT SEADAY ASO EDEADAY RUSS: Double time for ail classifications. SADMPATED, FURTHER, that it shall be mandatory upon the antrector, and upon. any sut-contractor under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, worAmen and. mechanics employed by them in the execution. of said. winrk and tha contramt theretor. RESEALED, ESTHER, that such sealed. bids will be. receivcd by' the City Clerk of tha City of Alameda, at the City Hall, until Tueoday the 4th day' of August, 1042, at 8E05 o'clock., p. m., of said day. All bids must be in writingA Tht Council reserves the rigat to reject any' and all bids. RESOLVED, YEETTES, that the City Clerk be, and ahe is hereby, authorized and directed. to advertise ror sealed bids for the furnisldng of labor dna. material required for the completion of said project and improvement, in accordance 'with said. plans and specifications and special provisiomc. RESOTTES YURTHERM that each. bid shall be abcompap1ed by a cashier's check: or a certified chock, on a. responsible hank, in a sum ecual to ten per cent (10.88 of tha aggregate amocnt of the bid payable to the City of Alaksda, to be orfeited. to said. City am oilseed and liqmidated damages should the party or parties to Skip tha contract shall be awarded. fail to anter itto a contract for tke cox - formarce and camoletioi of such. work or to :sive bonds, us required by law and. by sale piano and specifications. RESedah2, TURTHER, that prospective bidders for the work: above listed may sehure a cc:mulcts copy of said plans and specifications by applying therefor et tte afflac of this City Engineer of the City of Alameda, im the City Hall. ic said City, sun Cy depositing with said City Estimeer the sum of SEEM for each such. couys Said plans and spomificatiosi shall be returned in. good conditicr to thm office of said City Eigineer not later than 10 daym after Mae date upon whimh. the. bids are. opened for the above mentithaa. work, and upon. said retains tf plans and specifications said deposit w021. be retanamaii If the tEcts and. specifications nie rat returned to the office of taid City Enclinmar within. Mie time above speci- fied, 02 are returned in a shavilated or damaged condition, thh said. deposit shall be retained by' tho City of Alameda as agmeed and. licaIdated damages for said mutilation or etentitm. I, Mao undersimmad, hereby' certify that the foregoing Resolution wab duly end regularly introduced and. admpted. by the. Council of thc City' of Alameda ir. regular meetimm assembled on the Alot day of July, 1942, by thu following,: vote, to wit: ATMS: Ceuhcilmhn Thanscheid, hasse, Jones, Mnuser and Prehident Godfrey, (5). LOES: Dohs. nnEd C: hone. IN 417NESS &i.444E.E1H, i have hereunto set mg hand. enU affixed the offi- cial sisal cf said. CiTy this 22nd. day of 2ply, 1942. IERE4411.22„ UT( City Clerk of the City of ageorg. * * * I herety certify that thc foregoing is a. iyA74, true and cerrert copy af "Resolution Jib. 2779, AUTH(471.241147( 14(1241111442(UZ42 ALIO 0014PLETION OF A PROE(EOT FOR THE TAPROVEHENT OF WEOSTER STREET IN 727 CITY OF ALAMEDA ANT) DIRECT74421 7HE CITY ClEST. TO ADVERHTEE ".140 4.1ALED intradiaced and. adopted. by the Council on. the 21st, day. of Julyg 194.2. i I tiv Cierk d'f Hoe itv of Alameda. C