Resolution 02783RESOLUTION NO. 2783
FUTIREAS, on or about the 19th. day of August, 1961, a. collision. occurred
between. an autbmoblin driven. by Victor H. RicUtt, Jr., and. an. sutomnhile owned by
Mte City. of Alameda, at the intersection. of Ctia Drive and Wound. Street in fhb
City of ifibmeda; and
USTAMIT1, said. cellisinn. resulteh. in. danyrwe to rhe nubs:mobile owned. by-
the City of Alas:ode in thn smmmunt of S312.3.3 end. also fn. cersonni. injumy Sidbey
SU Tiottesfield. and otaer °ibis:are who were, rhRimfg in. the CItyis said. auto -
gobiln; and
MICIWEACM by fearoon of Injuries sustained In sain collision said Sidney-
T. Bottonfiell banamb Tatitied to hempen:Jail-ion ander the Worksonts Compensation
lawn of tho State ot' CaiglabsmTbh and. th.e State ComTeusation ihnursche Fund, as
is:sumer of the Citp of Alan:oda, paid. to sold. Silnew T. Dbttenfinla certain.. sums
of mbnay curs:hint to file urovielonn of chin. Wbramests Commovesbibb iswb: and.
WRISREAS, the State Combebastdon insuraneb Fund ann. thn City of' Alagbda,
by reason of said payments, benann entitled. hy law to o. refund cell subrogation to
the extent of' the amistmirto paid by coin. Stnte Compbboation Innumance Fund undbT
sajb. Sorkmengs Componsatich. laws to said Sidnev 16 nnttesTieln. out of any sumo
which sold Sidsby T. Onetehhield. Tight Recover from said Victor 1M Lichin, Jr.,
by ronson. of said. collision; and
WITMWEAS, the State Compensation. insumanbe Fund has agTeed to accept thb
shh. of S9,000.00 out of the proposed saItlbment and payment of 84,240.00 to be
mabe by :Jain Victor H. Richit, iiir„ to said Sidney T. invMtanficiling
that 'loos. mayimeht to the City of' Alameda of the suni of 312:9,35 and. on. tido farther
say-hien:3 to ten State Combennation. Innursnce Fund of the sum of :$3,000.00 thb
Mbynr of thn City of Alarnedn be, ahb. he is hereby, authorizbd. to axecute jointly.
with. rabid. State CoTpennation insnrance Fund and sail Sidney. T. ribttenfield any.
Tod nil proper releases of all clsimb and. demands which the City may hotb against
said Victor fM Pichit, Jr., by reason of the aiRrouTTaid. collision.
I, the undhrsihnch, hbrahy certify Maui the foreging Resolution wao
duly- Tad. rabsIbunly introduced and. sdnpteb: ty the Counnil of the City of. Ainmeds
in. regular meeting assemlb1 or. the ir3th lay of August, 1942, by the. following
vote, to wit:
Councilren Scsnachnid, Howe, Jbnes, Maurer and President
sITLESS rdimaddhi, i have hnretinto set my hTnd. and affixed the offi-
cial seed of said City thib itlth day of August, 1942.
(SEAM) City Clerk. of thn City of Alarmeda.
I hbreby aeTtify Mmat tire foregnin is a full. trae and correct copy of
esolution NO. 2783, AUTHURIZING IRLRICTION OF REIEASEM, introduced and sdbcted.
by the Council on thn ifth day of Ashbot, 1922.
Cily Clerk of thr4TCeity of Alameda.