Resolution 02789h:et 17Fiv, dddioifTED that thr rota of ritt texas to be levied f07.2 fiseal year beitinhins tints) I, )att and eibniiir tune IlL1 rinon eau pronarty assessed for taxation witaix the ontenorata I]wits of toe dirty of' float:As an the basis of the h'11,1e3..hLicee, !let,e3:ea1 e,kleeNt. ey ins nonusers:at roll in Us ofnloo :tf tine City Saone - sor of said bo, nna the sonic ia rnrebyb faal et one itendroa dna sixty -eipant prate Utid,d) or heath burtiva1 noilown fii,',100) of asscausa rsinaiion pf said property; sna air IT a. iiliffiLVED trbX t!"t'11 ih the total nmonset of onn and OFjlee dolinfe (41.68) be, end tan Lame in tbrety, fixed and levied. an snob. non eveny one Sundrea. dollars MOO) of aasessed valuation. of all taxable probertud real and per5Ohte.I., within nae corporate :Limits el' said eity„ fon the purpose of raising the necessary' revenad fOr 2f.litel. city for tne fiscal yean 1942x19411; arid tiri ndinfantifil tilat nada taxi, and. tne wranys arisiny: thrrefrom, when CheeletCtOd, Shall OTtt the nave are hereby, exprepriated. to alin appartionbd shoong the severed. furida, special purnenen and bonded indebtedness of' the city hereinafter desibaned, in the proportion. appU. amounts nnspacitiyoly set forth. oppo- site each such desihated fund, spaniel.. psi-noes or inainbtedness, as follown: General. 1 - - - - • .6552 Interest and. Redemption Fond - - - - - - .1527 Parks on.d Recreation - - - - - - - - .2576 Policehho'n and PirehoPe Pension nerd - - - - - .12GO ,thet:,etfhl. nannwipal diarloyepa' fetirenert fond - - - vOtatdi 31 id airtfbPit trot a sesbish assfandeat tax in tno saohat ii:51,n22n be, ond idoe sage i3 hereby, ifyind it r.hoh afd ever one rordrod doldffs nl'il00) en aasessnd veicatiof of ihaa Otty OD ali :lands sitiated within tho aendearies en deraisitacs and ineraraneht aistridt ivies 1 of Vine City of Alantau, creatta h ;1 ,'1 h snniion sbd in-braveness or 1925," soLa whIlestiho oe bc nr tbe basis of the veloation of Laid 'aside so slown by tilt assenansot roil fon yainbral onnbnal, taase of inn C"..!"y of alarieds for the cal year W142 -19bd. :fain special assasoment tax se leviod ara the tanneys ariainey tnanefron Jinni be, dna tile opine are horeby, set asias and apprauxisten tn she racisiu'isition and darrhvemont nintrict no. 1 of the Cita of Xlattnen Intel:sob and. ainenor :fund' for tne payment of trifaioal and leterest whiff tah hecohe or Ptla boorde rays:bias enwirr, Tehl",) fiscal yuar 19X2-190 5 cr. bonds issabd! sled satytand- itg nntien tho rfoceedintis fon chin, fistrint. 1S IT iihRSPES Pabfitiniii lig a sfenini assessaont ton fa tne amoont of 4,0.01S9 bs, aid ohe none is hereby, :levied nr: oach dna every one finn1red dolLern 1100) of asseneed raination of land only on ail lotds sifouted within tad 1enn- adrins of nennirtipiat and berroyenbini 1) to no, 2 o1 snn City Pia Alawoun, creatad pursontn, to :he ieborniase ef "fcbutaltInn faarovomcnt hot of 01 t3 Ce a*,l, tele basis, ef the vsinatith fl i ht 2h3,dh Ss the assassbenb roil for reneral rxhiciaal taxes cof fro City of lilaredu fhr the ffscni year 19,12 finin special anansannot tax so levied the beneys 21h15- hes,, afererron snail be, and tre nunp are isorebyb set aside pint: appropriated tn tips finchnisitanh nun surbrestionn Dinteet f ht its oity ef intsrent and. fibs tine payment of principal and istrrest whist hes bocore tr beesna ydysalle dinars; tho flasel year 194.2-19400 on bands issued nna onVataraino dnder tne wenceadirria for said alstnist„. yr. Ith nabrmpe ItbnOtrfn tnat a spoeinl assonnwent tax in the amonnt of ern0131 be, abd the psne in hbrobv icyleti on eadh and every opb hundred aoalans fi1lbC) of searesel v1 eatirn of land only on sin lands atteated within tbr boao naros sf let:addition and ibribrovenoil district :do. 3 of the diov of Aladasi, ounnled onfausn't to the provisions of tile anebuisition snd ihfrfrasent int of 9f5", said vfLeacidf to Os on thn baaio of tto raloaUnh rf said landn as shown by the esscsanant roll for hhhhoh' nontica1 saxes of the City of iinicaeas fon fc, fiocal year -19.43. So. Oeh ansasar!ent leteZ Sel) levied and the nonrys aritins thtfcfraln slands bo, anti tot sawb ena bproby, act 1 9t0.e. Mee', ashrehriabsd to Sas 1neersisiilon and inprovapabnt fistrict bb, I? of tten City of filawedu 11 001 and rwair for ths neyneni, of 0 0 0 1 ned interest whiee pas bedews ar will tsoone ()syndic nbininy tap f]seal. tear ii15e-19i9 bonds inadan she eatottfabin,n ander 00 ile brootiodiniaa fon sbild ilatriet, '6he unaefained, hierebv sertithh that Lhe foremoing Thessintlos was shd. resalarly intraMainad ora ted. bv the c'.omstil of the City of Ala:soda in amijoteenti hags...La:sr meetireg assembled on the 2nd day of Settomter, Pai2, tne foilowitt; vote, to wit: Caonmilmen aorosischead. Hawn, Jonen, .,Zasrer art, thenlitart 22Mifrey, (5) 7,2nich. .hiTr.ES2.3 71,FSEPh227, I have h.aTentao set my nand and. affih....a. the 8aal of said. Onty hale 2D..1 6...ay of 3enteveir. 1942. ISEgliTE Clerk o-f the City c Ine,) T 41, ',;) i she.. noortmS by the Onann.,] 2h has 2ha los c..,2 / /14L-Z t, Clerk of of aimmesa.