Resolution 02790HESCIdTrOdi' NeS). 2790
,,diia.Sord, it is ducessa.ay theh ose rails, stletes ere tie neaten'''. contained
ih the aeuner traek railroad ruidnAnd alhdh.t hae hdratedsly
or Chi,. tosect to the. rhas,thiderrh Sittrarsh. 1.,,,"/ 2,7 „
ssid rai,o, dtlass h:ytet have bode ty the C.'..ey isserser
ithhadaledift, nA'Sdhhlet est sealed he - will be e,- jvee ay hre r, Ciyer
oa the "i.A ' -f Ala.!......hdh, at tee 0 les- Asti, dreAl. ditsiedary, the Idhh. day. oy' Sert';de-
oe...-, ' • Wolood p. hi, fl-T. ssid.
at,Jeavoi, the dia,ht, to rejhat d. y all bid.o.
rhodoOLTSD, Thdr7TrAd, that the City Cle.r.o be, and shr: is hereby, .sodenehisod.
adad direchee to adtleatise seriee. bids ror the farniedinS, of labor and d.eterLat
rod:sired tor the eernistion of saiS hrojeoh aid imnrevemsst, in ardeordanee wrtn
said shaeificotiond and seecial pf0 iaAS
diutelre, :odd. soAr ore da2,.: do snecheonlie ay a noarder's
settees. d re-otitis:so 01" n.",,H. 7 77
addosnt tnr bid, roseole te tad, dIty af tu es
„dorea,ited to silo 1 (TO] the harhy har-
e', es to wire. ',Ahd he-rased yoriA stod.addh': itsi.1 cs, tor a CO t
ey sold spec:the; dotlrer otod drets,dit-to.
I, tote underorgned, hereey serhify thah eIdd noresderny,t hle801.13ti.CM was
di:hey and rearaildrly istredireee shod ortorted hey Carnei her the hy Ideadede.
She, saljedrohisd. rehdartera _resting ass otrelhol or, rhs, :tear trapirer , by. the
103,33 :
.3.112h:hie r e s
A J.,TAti.d. rosS.SOA, 1 c toren:ate sat .1":y 9 :ICI offfyee 'hhe erfaiy-
s]de are], ad safy0 (tity '2„fj t osider, „„,t/-2.
hereldy sortidy. that the foredolrg is a. full, true and. s.,,,)rreet cory. of
'Oesolotlrer-..„ ero. 27'N, FOP. EESiCht.Se Eflti'jdASs
adrored by. tat,' Cnooncil. an. tae 2nd.. day of Sentembsr, 1541.
...., .3/
1,,,,,,,,‘ /e9-1,,■ 33.
Oltv Cicada of' hhidld lh y dr 20.sdne-dlo, .