Resolution 027914)2
ooT:oloo-To '2:79]
CRANTIktli liEbididt: TO CattiabAt fiTte dad: nOCT..
(1012TAWT 11t COWEIC(Meldf, MOIM1TAItt OPT,',..P.,T'R! A 5ciii,b(OAM
.sT,TJP, andtCht AClitkCitt ChTti1D C1REET1 (1ifiThiTt OT
, CiittiVild ITC OM itiretideD1 ittinm a obermol t;
itti (catritaiti aikanies Mc :twee:nal Enettroefics und Cry- Danal, Con:petty, a GOr:DGEPAiaC,',,
3',,,'COE7-“',rr, and nesimrs, to cerstroct, recenstrpot and. maiistain a hafthitic reid m
reed dmdf track, rnd to operate loccbomivea, mheins or oars to/arson, with; ateaf:
mativa rower, or and ccross dlimard :erect in :Cr City olt adomoda, the center Line
of datlent sett:. ',reek :12 S reit:ems:
Tetitinhitw at T ntict on are omsten:y tins of" tirand wtreat
210 feat hortfer:y fror mre irntbefir Idre of Clonent
Averse end ram-rift-7 ttencat indesit al' 21( Csat so the nes a
toady :dre od embed ntreet.
This permit ia grantee or and suhject to the following. terms ard
1. That said sprer tnactb shield. be once for tro tramworortation of
rfainteht only.
4, The1 said sett' track acald its cotetrommat and antataitica days;
;tiros -.a, and tram eel a:wbfootW ermramion ard tadirteranco wor,:c
tat pan:stemma wItiotiat (meet en tendeorsd to mTs Cimy of Alameda,
Twit al: switch Etifearchte ovcr cnch seer track sTell be so nem-
muctam oa car mo iortyar tben La rocconcry ILOY' ordlrary rwitch1nit orterandtors
the strects watch a -a ernes:int eti. (dish seer bnean,
4. Tfat Mbis eardit abefil be Ledotoifficyts nr5 aboll ba movoceb,tis
wit:neat anhooncatinn am any Limo at t1e mpt1on mf ene Cedecal of tits City of
5. rapt on revocet1or of chts cerwit tbe Peter-dittos enell, ct its mwr
scot sad endedda„ 3Zaid taper tbeck atri retams, netted:anise or
etnerwada resiore tre port:tin:its oT che (arrest artaitter mr eictrcese by climb rocoval,
hairy, the dates kind df naterlai end comstracnion es strati bo used, by tTe Ciray of
a:smaad upon chat ecrelor s: tbe mtrectd adjacent to emits epter trace. Tn the soort
that Carnittes stall rearLoat sr rtfore Ws 30 rU1,-..OVO track of te a:midair
told restore :::,'t,reet S teratt»bwitteno protria , One 0 tY ,;‘,..]ufle',,r, ray nonce
sect. spur track te bs removed and tdme work of renalcIna end. rastoribet said tatreet
to re done, Tormittee st:W11 thereupon am obtimiFsbaci to ray td tbe Tity Mao
east mr soot removal and of Perth reppdf and restoration.
TT the undersigns , hereby dertrfy that tee. fOrOgOlT-jg titesadrition woo
drly and. regniar1y intredered ear. adortad by the Council of tide City' of Altdroada
in reati,ular notating assembled. on the 15th. day of Serromber, 1.(142, by the firtAktatfdam
vote, to wit:
=5; Coanoilyson Oranscheia, Howe, itterws, HaraTer and 'President
codfroyn, (5),
liadttiT a': Hobe ,
wIToEs...s w7oloPTETIF, towso herwrrato set hay. hard. en.C. affittrd tre offi-
cinal. seal of said City. this 16th. day of ;Casten:bar, 1.942„
k 7,-..-It7Ted a
I boreby certify. their the fcreyttoinyt ir a. CITA.. do and. correct copy. of
skesoltior. Ho, ;092, GElaCkAlt MitittetTetriad1-.. V AND aRy DOCK COY:PANT
To coissayT-.f, Hreteetdenfl AHD opLaATE A P11:1745AD TitidTT, .10120,CS faitiTtid nTratiiEdi
7.1ar, CITY 31" 4LATT1C," inrcaucted and. edoobed by toe Council OTI the 1.5th. day of
etwrtebber, Tekta„ /
( m md