Resolution 02792ljESOEUTIGI. SO. 2792 REJECT1.104- DIES A0E It(fliiILISTUO PURCHASE OP FIRE HOSE liKiff. WHESPAS, the Council of the City of liamo6o beratofere unhitched notices eallinv, for bides fes; furniching fire hose te the City. 3.3 l01-.1.0W.3: 017514 1- 2000 ft. 27...." fire hues, 50' iparbytEs, scuplAnzo E. S. thread, T170.7, 2. :loco ft. li" flare hose, 50' lenoVfo, cobjelings P. C. S. ttnead, in aceobjbaree with Ejpebifbotionts and FT07iSi011l3 Snore:for, Uo. PIS 8-429, approved August 13, 1942; unb. resecnne bo taid obtiee nide were peoeivea "She omerinan Rvbeer Mfg. Oc„ and Pioneer Schisef iSlic; arb. tpe, cid of said Pioneer puoeen is sissy. sit-tied. and. void by febson of thn falinfe of said b1e.d.er to include wit r. itn bid a cheek in the sum of S900.00 f.."1.S required. by Paraoreph of said Speelfisation and. Provisions; anr. jn. the °ribbon. of thio Councli the crjoss Tfated in sai0. bibb. are in. exceos eC the amount for which. such. lire hose eon. be purchased in. the open mabCbt; EPP, TEniEjP(40E, th ' b170.VEC 77 TCP 547 7;71: STE7 CP OLC,T0U ',,,.htAT, all of ui(lZ 1",ii-Ved. fon tne furnishOhas of sues hire hese, RS uncross's, ee, awn tna osee bre northy, rejected. (Ef. :0 PlitObjEu .-LPSOLj00 tbat thie fonneid bareby fjrtic and detcrwErbe init. ir fib aja'nieJ of ti.is ioonbil, 410's hose ocue;ibishb at said Scecjiluatens ohu ProtEelars cab be parchused at a jwsver arjee ix, the (seer vankas, one. tne Ciby iann(see js iefoby tethor'cad vat. difeete1 he bipahhto said fins loon je thb oren bonEet nes witsont Go...tract 3r raeffer hod3 for hi1s. the undersjyved, net,;;;Jsy sbotify that the f(crejjoins; Odonjutaer. WaS duly and re;..a.nlah1v Entroducbd abb. adopted by Use Onunc11. of the City of Alameda. ,ssemoy44 Luc. clay' oi* bj." tnt, foivewins -70te, i0 E1EE: °cubed:1E0h Erbosahvib, Howe, fonbc, Yllad20'.2 anb Pnesidert ibafrey, (P.. tO1a: evid Pity thib jbbh day of SectcwThese, 15'42. J neettfy Whot the foraca. E in hai owersat cony of .14.4.91;491hC !JED ab. ' ';7001.. Ib ESP ;loci one. eaosteh. by. bac o „