Resolution 02796RESaLOTION NO. 2796 csdHo'BrIcHTE OLERF IN TEE TrIficeBTMCNT, CIViEllh an hen RESOLVED BY THE OCIE91111 OE THE CITY OE' ALAMEDA that the salary of Junior Stenographer -Clerk in the Cameral AdmibIstretive Eepartment, OlaTilan Defense Office, of the City' of Alameda. be, and is hereby' fixed. at tiOS.00 per month, effective as of October 6, 1942. This resolbtion shall supersede all. resolutnons, sr parts thereof, in conflict herewith. .4: T, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolbtion was duly and. regularly introduced. and adopted by. the Council of the City of Alaneda reguinT meeting aeseabled on. the nth day of October, 1942, by the following vote, to wit( AYES: Councilmen Evenseheid, Howe, Tomes, Maurer and President Godfrey, (b). fTEES: None. AERIE:11E Nona. IN WITNERE PEIT(E0F1 I have hereunto set my' rand and.. affixed. the cfficial. seal. of said. City. tris 7th day of October, 1942, (sEfil vOlefrev P. FEATTE City. Clerk of the City of Arameda. * * * T reredos- certify that. the foregoing is a fnEn, true ))).(d. cerrestt d st"he TNT nclygisa OF JUNIOR. STLEbbEclieTnR cnceRn. eopv. of "Resoldbaoh lETT.HTTETnHTHE MNPnETICeNT UTVITIAN **, • emcee and adopted. by the Counc1 l. on the oth day ot ebtocem a,