Resolution 02800C I, 111.2 .2
..dabfa::. lIaE OFFICE
idaFblfs.22.2. CF
of jusdor in the. of rise of Civat.isie 0cfans e of th E. City of
TS a salary- for ud i .S er Ls ed. a t er
t dud ersi ba: e d e rub y e tab. t. a for o fag s i on ...vas
uudy ndb. feamlarly introduced and adopted by bIbb 0osnbil of the City of Ada:duds
in. rugs:L.:Jr sta et. ibb., s emb cse e 20 ta da y cut' 0 totadr, 194.2 , y the f o owing
vote, to wi
ATUSS bfmrIbuiltun s banJ a , Ion a , iisur ef and P2 a si dent
Codf -sty ( 91 .
0.111,11,43.3 91.1.222 C.9 , na :::: cut ay It and atni„ 1,2,cs
cf :Lai seal of said City tts,b2c ds yon ober, 1942
(3.—) fTity
T haTeby certify th . fore zu is u full, true and c orTec 200y
stist i OS. . 2 0 Cm CUladir441 sabfibl , J JU I cHR
Of Yi..0sE OF DZTENJE OF THE C TTY 07 A " intro asc ed add saus tad. by
tide il on the 20th day of Uc, tab um , 1922,
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