Resolution 02892liESOLUTION h0. 2892 ADIEDLISISTD ST JtION TrioT CADE OF' UDITIDO STATES OITSTchrld, PLATT 7.06 SOPES OF SAPP, VOSIOT CR LESS, SLATTEDT: OSITIESIdNIS; 32:21,0 ET,2I., ThEYTTITIOSTATS. _baps_ sod if: the C ,a2alaa,a,i01) reC, Haa' 7,, a, .aa t;h,.."' t Carl; if atha 'Suited Stutes hut: Sloe Southern Dieloston of the Thyrthera Distr.:To t of Cali- ratanie eritartled, ehnitod Shalse Thoe DiaTet-Off; v. 7.0e ,..“!2.0E, 017 11 OD d 1710 re Or L"..1 dahods 0cadrzy , darcts , Carlo Carl:hut re, ed., loPeralarato, Do. 22130-2:, Albert aceobsso, Cats htto dray of t' Oety Alunediu he, ara5 0-) y , -a s radd she ti coo tor: to avhsc uted re' A e E;(-^', ri bctrod: o2 of al arf: oda , tio f olio:vises e.: s hist ion: SOD FOR THE DebteeT:10 7 .66 A.c77-7,4. laraa , Lore 0, e.::7E3, Alsabods, Coonty, EaL 71.' TI1 Oar) Carlovaro; et al., aborrith:Staarecl. orrIbleTteophau. debt thilthais TredrodhlibalT :DS TO PATACEIS 20 OTTO 22, ADD OPLISbil DITSCTICTS. PAYSDITS OF .j..b:ONETT It Ds hereby hoccreod betweeu t e Uhl ted :States of hern cord bereal rafter de ctottlff; sod the City oar Alarcorla, a hand othdoet orobboiratiora and Lat,e :Pedersen, leveoutrix of the Last Will. of Lure Teederser; Deceased, brarearafter cool] ed dastard unto that : dre Dcada:Paiht, br able: sotion coos cr :hod 22th day of haver, 1942, orbd ebald day o DeualahuSitba sh"Dahhav: has flied and sus: deboadted -::: the hosastbs of the 0ovrt as esti-h.:too casnarousion fcr ttao Tahoe chlojcbt of this ac Lion; that anbashrofts:d on the 2lth clay cf loaced:Der, ,";1-611iLle tC) C.21 2%,:i Va-,S riled for ne orthooso ott reeethrlese: 'Cc Cita: of' Ala:soda certsale cartato howeso ousester cc: ; that, or. the ll,th clay of crolta; 1943, e; secacel Dos boa t o iaec aha t t on of Tr I: h :vas v cua c narr doe of d Pep) ch the easeeent for 3 0`.7Ca2S ta) tIe Oity Orlatuvie. ber e 2 e t a C ar, aai 1; C :PaCi cats es, EDec: t ribs taf 'or e Lost b' Tao:: :::. Theo:boon, Sec:eased, :represent tsar, :at :deo alvas of aisd ace is tob, prior to ti e :1 ev, of the above otantlosed Sos:: arab., on of TaDdarry, the: eithy or uPacsete was the ahhar lashcol 22; as ccaaoribed To a:Pc: hoolesselisu labalsy, sub,Dact to a loose to Lehr Thelesseh, deceased. Isla: ;defendants scattooeted:ra: thht they hove boob hith process Pt this ac:Diss abb hvhes be &cc:orb the adA hf bhp:OTIT-Fland 'CialeSaTt: otaoireaD (T25,000.), hit:haat ihtereot, for PurceO 22, torotbor adtia all toetv rivht, tatle shad ihtoccet Po. spa bc: haroal 22 and sha lavistocateate tteheou; said a.atlii Tid-120Y-TIOVE DIC:TODSPD ishharaboS (l2.2:l,000.00) to be pada us fellows: lb the Daty of Alavoda - .00 u, . Podt,rs fil-x,3cutri.,Y: e Lost 0111 of 1:'ar3 Pee:torso-le, Doccorsed 10,2100,30 Soforoiscot 'lily of Alahode, repressets that cat she S'arto of boat lea- itee:lutoly Ihr3or la. the filioso of the a hove. hentiahed Dealaratt Lan of Teishor,7, Parcel 20, se nasal:I:had Da bald Decishatjon of Takin: That 8 nubile street in Olty of Slahoda; owned dad meant:oh:ea by sole °lay. Said City of .Alasda choruses to accout lbe shc. of OHE Ih011fal bata.00) FOR all its td.as..,t, tticd avd inaehast in oaiC Parcel 20. IL !is underastssal act aohbood thot tbe above re leortionot Slifer to bacopt SOSSITO-:FITT ISPOShSP DODITATIS (02:0,000,00), oftVadt intsst, for Tance:I. 22, and. sae 3'1:a of CDS, 10121 ITAll ocithouet intbreut, for Paucel 20 orb scrabact to boo unceraterblba: and uhheehout tuat loose ;,31,,all be hosevved to tbe 0Tto of :Slur:Hada cebtals coriselyo: archer sheen:oh be Inshabboftsh duaoribal ohc: cecar Faros:Lc 20, 21 and 02; us tosoriaacal the shove cseasThaned 'Deadlascuatioc of ToThics: end °coo_ befau stavancht fah a hada ; of tray over Isoccel 20. Defendants, Witty of Elemed2 d.lid Kate G. Pedersen, Executrix of the Last WiT1 of Lars n. Pedersen; Descended, hereby disclaim all right, title and. imterest in end to any. irproveDeLte onested on. the above mentioned Parcel 22 by the hL,lh Scott Entor Car Company, 8. cooperation, the Elemeda Boat Club, or ony othor eemson or corporation, and disclaim all. right, title and interest ID. and. to any compensa- okon to be sweated for the taking of scoh. improvements. :One City of Aiskiedfd furthkr disclaims aih. right, title and. interest in and. to Inn0871.. 21, as described. in the above mentioned Denieratior. of taking and in any empertiattein. to at a.wa.rded. for one taking, thereof , except, :nor the existing; sewer easemarts to be reserved. a2 above proviked. It iw further stipuloted titat with. the. above mentioatid Declaration of tne,ire was o.e pos t. segistry of the Coart tin of SETEI, THOCtithEi ODE khEEhED DEVEDTY-EIVE DehLADE Olic7,12/5„00) as estinated eptioacsatikn. f09 tho above mection2G Parcel. 22., that heretofore, numsDant to the Stipulation of these defend- ants and the .Grher of thm abovk entitled Court, the sum of TWhoetvoWTSE iCEifooriD L OLLA2E (71',2„500.00), watittnt Interest, Gas 7:Ike,. for the taking of cerLann. imarkve- ownts extoted on. said Percel 22 by Gsrrey Shntatrox and 2993Da Do:rottly Sandtrom, CieS.,D, bl...DS.sse5S LS:M.:SS ISIDDS, 99';': Daiance ok de- o osit in. thm hogistry of the (.h)hrt for seka. Parcel 22 the of EGER 8510ESEeD SIX :HUDDLED STELETY-snEE SPLLASS (D4,671,00). it is 'hereby agroed. thnt tee Order attactod to this Stinulattor 05211 provide for the pettmert of sada. sun on. ;deposit as follows: To the City. of Alameda - - Si2,725,00 Ow hate S. Padwrrev, Exert tm-ix. of the Last kill of Lams A, Pederseh, Deceased. - - - 1,950,00 Tbat ay. the above nentfitned. Amenetients to Declaration of Taking filed on. thw 14th of December, 1.942, and on the 15th day of July, 1943, as nfcresaid, it wko provided.. that the eatate taken in. the lauds shbject of this action is the fee simple title ttereto, subject, nwwever, .to an easement cvwf, across and. through the Iona liprelhabove described. running in favor of tae City of totneeda J for ttw DS7p099S Of USiTS whintoinin and. operating existinz sewer links; subject, thrbnher, to shah regulations 22 moy be Imposed by the. Davy Department for safety anti scoumity rieasomes eurihy the period that aide United htentes ownw Was above do- se...tined. lard, The defendant City of Alemadh represents that said oxistdng ooker ease- ments are particularly- described as folickwl: LI) A stria or cancel. of cont. tee (lin feet wide, situated in ione City. of Liereda, Couhty cf Alameda, State of Califernha, and. Eking five P:';) feet on esw1. side of kits foliwwing etscrihed Denten ne To fink ntw trie point of beginning of oaid Doctor line bcgin un the stint of ittersoction pf ate :to-kris:stoat lire of Snostaht Psowet ;hml kw oornhcawOorn lino of Ci eohno Avenue, as nelk street ate totonne nisi ;Litwin rod (1,71j roe Dual or tbot certain hey entd tied vhesabdinhef an of Sitexp .2 2 on2 lands adjapunt to tap fotm, a: Stiiinal, Township, nSateCh, 1E90, f :tivethbov 20, 1820, :In :':19S.-l9 8 of Pars at page 47, Pa Eke af- fise tne County 52nnenien of Paste:kJ. Cohntg, taxi SUS nachos: oasterly, along tte hohnhoosocto line of Clot:cant Avenne, proPioad acatos Chostnat Street, 2f feet tw the snid true tbiht 'Pekin- 221;1 een her 111.9f ,',2,99'99- Ly ;wok 1 - lei ta ocid Horthwestorh lice of hbottnex Stepot ced ins Direct corthepoterly tkojeetich feet', to 2 edict; thetoe ntrta fa host ts p noint ric e noct int oirtihei ferry, g :2 (2) A sttiw cr hnfool of lend den (10) feet Elda.), oi tasted - . tow Oh'sy 07 IAD j0Dle'9y ci Alkneen , State of Cai1feetha, bre lvitn five '',5) foen on eaon Like 31 the .1i:fills:fair:: abet:gibed opbte's 2 19:9992. D.9 tel,S.D. rhnint segiritten at' phOi ser.ten fine bogin ar Lre idirt ar ittorsostion af the noptkeeszert line of nheakett Loree2 and hitt asntoshatern lin9' of Cletwtt Avenue, pa yogroot ou wvocto ere smtor tote ticeineuted. en knot certain trio 5,52222,2ivistith or Of oohs 1, 2 end 3, 1.„,3333.3s 0,313, 9D De e Tows, of ',DC S991, D.I.D,De,Thlk 'feta-we:1p, A...suede, Loy annor 1P90,5 fEiod axvomber 2C, 1890, in kook 8 of Laos at rage L7, in cifiet of' tit County Emeorler of AisfeSe rausty, and 2*.:,r1 e (hisser:1y a 101'3 t n;te kompayte :arty tura ita G f.1 nes leeeDe,',99,-,99 .i ft 1,D cl7 dittratt 55h feet. to: tir; hrt0 0.-otto inoritning; 39.1. S. pontos 188 ; thence ego tonal y along. a Lana parallel to tide aerotheas tally aldede COlovilaro ?ea' foe' Ivor e r less , to a roiret tO a aoaaern line do ercel 2i as aeecridee in camorealad in. ahe ab dye onto). t dee a c t ion ., is rely a e y aer e .3e. that sai.d. e o 2112 Tit 0 2. 0 0.0 0 vo d.a a a rib cod oora.3.1. e .11103 0130 0 3,1210 0. 131:21 y eMan ,Thalfoonyant aoer el v goo' entered :fe' es ad ree Poem. els 20, 011. 1-0121. 223 011 101 above en rood acti it :It, .111,11'1111,3 011002 2,1 101 2 ::, 3.1_2 1'2012 .0 nearyaeny. so.oll reserve to; the olio. deagen.:,, penasyree co e:s, afaser.n... and .!Ealan.,....,; toe.: aanniasedyno yaaaa, of,,,eroe.igiego t, lye int oe eaters ocenll se' aa no nshoted udne .i;\1 aE, Street 1010 320 2E123 ,311133 013311111 332 20 010112111,122 that certain. ...yap ti tied derso de di v ion or 7:10 , 2 and .2, 1,101:100, 10:1211,03 Etat 1.03 th 1:3101011 0 f :31121210303. , 02.33,12a Moline november 3.890, " addie1. noveveo or 20, 112390, in ',:d.o.olo Paps rao:.:..yo 1,7, la ten °Laid a of tee 0 ourroy °deco rodeo' of A:Lae:eels e dainty, and rezoning teens e nor 'ghee :nevi y ollony waste oat 1 a of 1.-llaefalart tesonot a na along neadeasont,,a pro talon vany,,,dep -380 feet tdo 00 1:0 t E:011.01 t :cereal t angles o 0 ulllea s terly 20 feet. th once et rigar aeorelo 3 rearterventeriy ...rad parallel to raid ea:eta:en _tine or (.01:learn-Lot, 380 f eat ta noire in too e r tneara ranadary e of Clemer.t Aveamte e re Jae cod acre co Gros treat Streot; 'fagedeo nartanosaeray alone olya arojecairn of sale snolaoaatera eine :o:E: e ,:311 301 111, 0,1) 1,12 020 t C 213 2 1)0 .:1.1111 0 1: egoraninc. The err:loots her oe y ocarna tent era t. aDer. aralain. of an Carder of o.eIrt in the fora :aerate a o taceled., aifec alai a, the nayoemot Lye oene aura of Tia0,11./101.) SHO.1111 earefielle FOleffeanaNdi ilanfedARS Tea .00) thont irlaerest 'Ido the or and. the s on of eialaDReD aniailieRS tea:J.200.0U), ogrort interest, to Inay.e ea Pedersen, as hrecutrix of the Last ',dill of Lars .1. ...nada:es er. a.. Fiona). Judgmant 0131: bo entered. in this willmons5 notice La sal d. der endant s condeoieri pa: the above mane iaara els 20, '21 ilseal 22, Load a 11 tele ri O le and L.M.aose eat; of ;said doeferdiants therein; ajtil 1,130,22ent T., aes (any e 112) 'DA 2 012:012,.2111: y Al....nee:La 1,320 a 00 VC 2:2 01 0 1013:022i 1030 010 11:113:10 I21,1, 2001.0t 710 2.0 3 20, 21 a eel 2.2, and e 0-ye do:ace-Leib ass. 3,2",dols emay- a ere oopy of a lees elation of the Olt y ouncli of the City of asecie a. part hereof. 1.1.2d attar-noel reeen..3 one ovalia a ea...at h ereefie s a Ger lair lee salve ova en Order a I: vs. e ',.H.r,ocaeof ear court, of teee '.."3eyeo. sf calif coon -2/10.1. for the `lcoraday of .11Lsoarda , In the La:eater of the Eo tate of Lars . Paegor an, — seased, on. 2Y841e, eutordzing Tdoe eaecdtion. of this Stipulation. 1.114 nanellESS 10:18 nartieo leave here unto set th eir hando Ohio , 1923. U210= 21do1:C CF T.,=T:saicA 10 1 G030330 ... 110 1'0. 1, 1,1 gra s i-,aaiot01 11 t 0 0:10 :: 210 101 ay : eiders' n CI:Fee-74, Pediedro on, reagent rir the Last7 Will of Lars poder en, .D or eas ed " LT. TTi212.2-2..,.T'I ifIrSt10012 '1 the tearda of too a to,.'.-llersci Sti',:eniall tare Clerk of V.,e Loa v. a col:c2t, 100 110217 i 10,1301,103 1,C, 0201 :23 ten.) 1 Ito of adanee 00311 311 EtE_E;;;ZEs1; ;;; E;E:E;.;:; H;EJELEJED ;Els' ECE E IEEE / iOU CE ;Es; R2- ;00) ; 1E-) 1)0111e CO2, '725.00') co: on e iory tra15 0r1er and e renar one. of 07;'112i2,-; dar. 01) .1.1.111,211 anal„.2011CO afan1ll.1 (01.2,013 .00'; ragasaoy,o co toe.: S. ea ea it. of e sa 1,1111 :111 10,0 021,11; 31111y 00' tO 2; 002120 by aloe Pla door ; arafi ci? JO. C 0 t001, S eangeoer Cm-roomed. oey fate 1a ecnevo darlx o illed. -01 Ionvo . :Idaylloogra egacroasoO, e soo. 1.dn nalnne rraC. anerernoae 12...ran MID :00/Z10 oeeedala...: Yale.) ,260 ..c.0) b oada 950 ) the en ttt." of :this Ore or and e :Curtner ao.,...fe f ffitaCCT C2Inefz:LT areliDRED Tadt attCD NO/100 DOLLARS V2, 31.0 .00) Co th.ohl th on the den earl t of Ere la a ate t.n.e I:reef...5 try of the 0 ol..er t by tite hint if Don. In open Court this atotes fre Tab:nth e too 'Y ot of 0 al if .„ 1, tee nnterstened, hefeav certefy that the forayoin Teasolutfor. *yet - aEa ea:n-1'821y incanodoced and anozecod bT the Coallnli of teca City of te.,:r:0-3,dn. in Iff?Yll meetjfaa asse0feaed on the 20tn nay i)f 11.7, VC) 0 Wit C OU,10 ceCCei. 1. 7 e!..CeV C. 7 :j 7 eCS re;. anej,, a,fa rat None ../alfSaffT ; iTiLajiLEU„:j hay e he:yount set coy hand and affix ed the of fle- a seal City t s 2:ts t y of y LOEW2CT', 7-- C I t7",e e of th ity o * h * i hcfraby ce,, tha a rcienr)ing Li. s .e, fall. , tent e end ottnraYA::. 0 copy of .(..,,,3.....-I.F,..).-:.;..., ....,. , .•••:,.,,,:,...,a,,,i. (...y.a.....T.v..:,„..c.) , i.,,.. Al: , , 0..0:0:fltrifelf3 , " i lc tre da.,. a a d .ana a a carteal by the