Resolution 02893190
TaR/RZERRIY.1 f,500. 1,aar: THE CRSH FUROR .2b Toff
"MR, 2.4i,II1:13:
Iff TIRE ....RURCL., TRE ..biory KLAimi..a... .1500 „ ...R.,. the
sahib bereby, tronsferreci from the 0 S 1'1 ITTa C/r fT,ITT.: to the Relief Ibbad, 6.4., 11.n 4"T dT1,:a E, antil soch time a$ ',Lc amount
oph.r...rpri.otoo, to tbis fana the,. buomwt. for the ft sc,..E. J. year 19L3.......190,,, bea
come oRallable from taxes.
The .1...1/1.1.....or Treasu.rer are authorized directed. to make the
neoehlaary 1;ra...ha-J."! ea's. e.T. their reeoective books
tbb undebsibed, hereby certiTy *One foregoing Resolution. was
duly ord. rwR.,blarly introbbed a-nd adopted by the Uohnoi.l. of Citoa of ..A.1....:11bed.a..
ih. hibeting baenbled on. toe 2.0th day of J'aby, :LOR43, by tba foilowiob:
vote, to wit:
C cRiMan en :Ron E: d now e, Jona „ Oa bo wn.d. 7/r deb t
"Rodfray, f:5)
Off.:RW/./3 „r„OfiRR/Ofh, 1/,,/u/ here to Rel._ ob, Rona a-R:1 affa.bed tOe of ft-
L Real of saffl ./ity /JAR 21st day of Jily, j.o.4.
fb7RIE R.
'I.R.R1'w),/ I.Rmbeafpilo...; is cobreot reco..)y o.f
Rf.abolution T.1/...37/...3 Fr:TR) ob.rab.
lal.,VE introdkloe.1 and a/Looted 20t1R day of,'" JR..11...