Resolution 02894EST..),SLISHIStl Ibitth.tilitani)
0.2 :lino IDA odi) Dal) Siatatthil.,1 Alt; 21.225 022)227)312.-
'..,:af.:(: 722 1322h. PDSIII0hO 2).13 2.,-.(a c(f,RaT, A-(E,
°O° ',OCCOCCO OF 0222,
. 2.2207011) COM2l111, OF 11).'E CITY OF ALADED„1 as folLows:
fde 0-afloat-) auu positions of analaymoint hereiafter prided are lameby
astatttisined in the saveral 00tctrttef,t0 CCO tri,'.; tv ardrin a3sd. nn, tO floe.,
offices.und. ussitiemo creates, agy tme Uharteg or oraiLhisice of solo Okty, and sat:s-
hies and rates of othraper_oution for all such offices and positions, bether toreby
or by. Cr...arta:: or Ordimance estatlishea, are totreby fixed Mae amounts set appo-
site each designated office or position- Unless otherwise iralleteS, all. saiarles
ou.1 nutea mf curousmLion aISS on a °saunas's nutrt basis.
. Sman affihas and susitions of ama1myntant and salaries and ratea of
comausation are as follovs:
Amaitmr anu Assessor
Deputy Auditor
:Deputy ,SSeSSOP
en 0 I' C 00000 C.:00.'0'k
Deputy Assessor Igart. Oi 00)
0 elf'', Or ;:7,2, r-Clerk
C Olt_it)LS1.1
City. odor's_
Semimr Steragraoho 2-Cienk.
Eittra Cihnks ../'.t; the: rate of 5.00
1,72fIVL DriapApItTL7111)
City uttanuoy (Pant tiva, °the,
anolovment permitted)
Legal Sachetdry how sCietir
Executive Secretary, Civil. Service Doura
Seriou stahassaaters3larm
2ersonuni Assistants,
tbe rate of 55o 666 SoSUT,,
City thandiger
liaray,an's talf ea
Thlrfuor of
Jahltor t_ 190.00
eanitross 2 120.00
Sloillied 'laborer fraatintra 2 185,00
e1apholia tsstrucuroard Operator adiark, 130 .00
Railio '.I.C.07,C0t3O C 'tan 205 .00
Dthef ',JoorCinator
furior Tythat -Clerk • of.C.Ou
un rs odor:hat rSitai C rierK cc),
Assistant to Chisof Madical Officer: (50.06
burl 1 al inns Irish. an tsar
s t aild that :Eno actor
Sandor JterogruhlersOkedn
1 91
Chit. e r C? n:
.1130.32, t cro. s
TI±:Ti t
7 i.... 7:1', G ',. • :i ef 1
2 32
13,233 et us. t 33 323 0 2:1 ef 2 320(1 .00
0 1.330 321,:teir 1 0,32.. 002
11233 2.3 seat enact
23 "23 43152 : 3), CP
12 I r e -1332 32,33 33 233, Ion :13: u 32 33 c to -0 2330 .00
20223 ictosi AC
32 3 231 2 33. 1st. ye sr of .3 cue s Ise 2033 .00
Cur 2 32.22 23.e. y us 13 3232 se:03310e 21h .00
.JUlaia3a; 5:0(1 yees." 001: scrvice 222 .012
320,0(023 23; :tie eyed eut, s e:322:32., 1 ye 2223 of 2sers1 (3e 2230 .00
0232 22 Course 12,23.23t233.0232233203,
0230123 22223:30 es 5100332021 1 20000
Caddy Laster 3 200.00
31.323d 1203e essluo op er -
euscosac1Ive 002.2syesesst 1)erator toes:saris - -0i6.00
2326 .00
Sk.312.223si Ls:toner 1123:332322333 33 10 :33.. . 0 '3,
1,333, 2 3:200. 30
Laborer 108 .00
12.332.23t,03, 1.1333.232rt003322,t,
01 y 32322-32 2 .0003 3.0.1 3.233313130 23.2 322 user
Coe p t 112.302e , o tr. 3323 e03210:23.322202, -3)3272(3y 0332 031 ) 52 5. 00
5.5550.505000:0y 53 5555;00.30.
to332.302 1., 13:: 3: , s 0200 22 eppleynent teser2 2- :30.31 2 23 120 .6C,
21123:231 32,322. 21112 1.2233.222(0,2223 22 2 3022, .00
.J s 2 190 .00
500o, -0 ft-o.,; 0105>i...001 05 0 ry-,,,-; ,' cr,,,r "".:',;(',.nK:)...,31,':,..., n. -: 22-33 .00
022323 0 3. se1. ti: 2,2222 e 3 75 .00
P...Eaca :.;a1',:.:". C., '.a 11',7 a a 1
.':at.. a a-,..- ::::::.ra aia ',raj .1. (2.11.... :175 .00
1.00 .00
22, Inne no 1.:0 of 2233 2(20 33332- do y.
2222:023 2 2 us. s y 3 22,0e,syrst laaalra,IT 2
t,,,, t IE. -..;•6.-, 0 `,2 •:,-;',fa (..„)C.) n a a ri a:;`, .
:a e SO 0 ...; alaal'ali LW:: ,J. 'r.:"..!: ) , 0 (..)
LaaalCa" a.: ta3 'a aa.."Ma ra`aaa at; i Ca'IC .1. 2.3 0 .00
13 u :so 3.23. 33-230:2233 1
... 1 3.15 .00
Laalf.aaalaaa2 a . ca 0 ia.',-,.a• i C 1 .. 0 '...a
190 .00
IIty:220.333c. 5 155 .00
Lc sorer 16C. . CO
i,o] ice 0:•2 i , ' i 3.!-:5,,00
Polls c: 2312.332terrns 2. 2:30 .00
SI oh. I C e ,.a.:e 7.:',,,,,e :-..,. G3 -1 cl c, c}:.:c t or :3 25 5 .00
15 0 .0 i 0 0 s 01, 5 00.0 t 4 245 .00
F. 0 50.5.00e02. 1 200 , oo
500005000 of. c:osyyreptets:721..322-23 0.00
22°110 u I's 303.3302 ..23323 112.32 0 sot 23 2;33:
1323322 r r Lye :V Ca': C .!' LaaJal _',... a .. 206 , c 0
-3r3y32,0203 21,e, ,, e az' - i i3c,..,27-■F 1 c ,...; 271 I,. 00
33,232 .00
t zo:aa!D r o 2220.3 s'ell e ep.orettent a etseep -2223; the
0120.331 of ce tits ha 112. t to: 3 r e c
of "Expert, Revolve -32 0330 22" "2,322ans shoo ter c , or 232303-013s.200.331,
in 33 c :3,03.32 e 3300:2122 33213, e .2233.23s s ions 0 22 30:329 02.223 t. on Ito 2097
'20233t133 22 3-3, e no ets; situ 3 ue :0 the: e chnsers at on 02,2 ded
33:boys .:2222:2 so hares as 23 3220 :13.312,23133312102:3 e taa
7:Jae r laDVaira7, amour. :
e.21.2.32:2323rt 1.3.evo.13ser Stout" "
0(1.00 per montn.
3.00 pe'.1:' :south
1.00 per month.
6,-rtsier t
CuseriptapAenh of Recreation
Supervisor of Plityrcohd„.1firectarra
Jtuniab. Rtenstoialer-Dierk
Sicyysoond. Directors
ititlimurs of i.1.00 pus hour if' employed
on hourly basio.
tiscreation Rideo
Itemiriuto YCD:t per hOUT if employed
on hourly basis.
Nombef• of
7:inf.:inst.. 16
lia-pfaitsb 3
;Social Sersl.to_ yorttiont
ISSills licifare ataservi3tif 1'. 210.00
Jinn icor Stenca;rapher-Citotit 1
City Eastineer 1 '340.00
Assistant City Engifear 1. 265.00
Dunicr Civil Enginser Moasianua 4 24.0.°0
isbcr Supervisor ,
f 250.00
Cartenter-Fotantart tiaximrtm 2 224t00
Consrsfe asresaar. 216.00
Sewer -Forerlan. 2 206.00
Senisr Stenssraphsr -Clerk. 1 168A00
Sticeper Operator I. 200t00
Stfeet Dissector play:aim-um 3 206 ,00
otplrbanarce '..fecbcric 206.00
Dassitative ticultslierip Operatoropectssie Maxionsta 2 216.00
Na.7",11,17,1 Fi 190.00
.'iliffiled Laborer lioxicriai a 16'65.00
Tea.Kirur 25 1.68A00
:fisid Aattisbant and Offico Assistant
At the rate of $6.00 per day. totiorti '''t
Rtreet lassector _
St the rate of f,''it00 per dr1.7*, L'[ rt7: i ,-,1,11 4
Tresufer ana Tax. Collector
Dessty freasurer
Deputy 1:feat's...poen
, , *
aiLl' Oat ALL, -SsnAlltsRTJ 4LS ''ILDR'flAR
StUt AID ril1 261.0 CAPaR.A.
Senior Dtenoratner-Cier'R
At 'OLP bate Gf tor day.
torfor noipt -Clark 15
AL lOe liece of ''..'45500 to iT,'..5.50 'ter dayi
Legal Secretory Law-Olerk
..CDRO)r luatosfaiitif-01ef'D-
ac the rot° ci' ho 66.0C per Uayt
tales...orb Cwitobbcari CooraPor -Dior?
.Stoteticicolooi SaScritory ischnicisA
At. the rate ci' 6..‘40 Per d.DY
Junior dpoocent Olerk-Typiat 5
At the rote of :i.i)5.50 car day,
Toritory inopocion 190.00
did salaries and coripensations, as fixed. br thdia Resolotion Pfeil be
carotin, rn arrears, OD. fine idth and on thb last day of each. oolendnr north;
provided that vith any. snob. dug falls on a leFal boyment ce....E.11 be Ende
cn. anort pracbdint; haziness. daya
The dainrico and. rataa of conbansatinn op fired by tha liesolbtion
snail be effectivn as and often 1, 1943.
i2 cortion of Re,solutiara Cc. 28.07
and all.. other r000lotions Or parts tahroof, in conflict herewith, tan to tne
o4tent of shbh. conflict foreby rescinded dnd onnualnad
tole undersigned, hsrnby certify. vInt the foregoing Ensofution was
duly arid. intro,9,ucecl ,:adal?t,30, by Cog:n.1011 of City
on the 20th day 0,2 July, 1943, by the folliiowing
vote., to wit:
Counciirsh brarnobeli, Hawn, tones, °shorn ann President
Ondfrey, (5).
T rave hereunto: set my bend n11,:i offied. floc offi-
cial seal. cf said City 21st dny- of July, 1943.
hereby certify treat the foTereitg is a full, true ehd correct copy of
"in.nnfratich No, ?e94, CEdddiTt) P351770)4E. OF' EillfiTHEET IN THE CITY
leriESEnh 4n.0 .9.1141.hd lbiE SAI.AdILS AND RhIES ..d9 ObbithoEtraDie 201). Ifl)31)TIONE
Aft) Egbd Cih..TE OFFICE:3 ANE iandfTIOrE dElilR TINE fURIenbitHlIEN ',SF SAID CITE,"
iffnonhone and. odopted. it) the Counnil or, the 20th der of ialy, 190.