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Resolution 02916222 RESOLUTION .7 2916 APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BIDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1963-1944; APPHDPRIATING CERTAIN MONEYS FOR TUE EXPENDITURES PROVIDED IN SAID BUDGET FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR; AND RATIFYING CERTAIN EXPENDITURES HERETOFORE MADE. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to, and filed with, this Council, at this meeting, a budget represebting a rinanbial plan for conducting the affairs of the City of Alameda for on fiscal year beginning July 1, 1943 and owing Jame 70, 194.4, which budget is marked "Filed with the City Clerk in open meeting of the City Council, September 7, 1947;8 NOW, THEREFORE o 12 ESOLVED ISY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE ALAMEDA that said budget as submitted to this Council at this meetihg, and each and every part thereof, be, and. the same is hereby, approved and adopted as the budget for the City of Alameda for the fiscal year 191,3-1944, anA that the expenditures of the various sums of money therein provided to be spent for each specific purpose, and the several purposes therein set forth for which such expenditures are provided to be made during the said fiscal year be, and the same are hereby, approved and authorized. 01 11 FURI1ER RESOLVED that there be, and are hereby, appropriated fur the fiscal year 1943-194.4, for the purpose of meeting the cost of salaries and WagaS paid officers and employees, the cost of maintenance, operation, and for equipment and. other capital outlay of the respective departments, divisions, offices and boards of the city, and. for the :purpose of paylra the annual in- stallmenth of principal and interest on the citvis bonded indebtedness, and for all ether purposes designated in said budget, the several sums of money respec- tivell ldotted in said budget for the respective purposes of the said depart- ments, divisions, offices and board: of the city, and for such special funds and other purposes desighated 10 said buds;as,t; and BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the appropriations herein provided for are made out of the General Fund for the fiscal year 1.943-1944 extent those made to or for purposes for which special funds a.0 established, and as to such last mentioned purposes said appropriations are made cut of tte spesial funds respectively established therefor: FE IT FURTHER RESOLTED that such expenditures as may have been made by the several departments, divAsions, offices and. beards of the city after the be- ginning of the fiscal year 1945-1944, and prior to the adoption of this resolu- tion, and have been or may be duly approved by the City Auditor, are hereby rati- fied, confirmed and approved, and shell be respectively charged against the ap- propriatitne herein and in said budget provided. for; * * * * * * * ¥ * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeti sembled CB the Eth day of September, 1943, by the following vote, to wit: XIES: Councilmen Bransoheid, Howe, Jones, Osborn and President Godirey, DS); NOES: None, ABSENT: One. IN ANIThass WHEREOF, have bereuhto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal. of said. City tnis 8t1 . Joy of September, 1943. LORTME R. DEATIE City Clerk of the City o7 Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true slid correct copy of "Resolution No. 2916, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1943-1944S APPROPFIATEXS CERTAIN MONEYS 61. THE EXPENDITURES ITOVIDED IN SAID BUDS= FOR SAID KscAL TESS.; AND RATIFYING CERTAIN EXPENDITURES HERETOFORE MADE," introduced and. adopted by 6. Council on the 7th day of September, 1943. u-MAIDat LT --LET" ty Clerk of t61' cl Alameda