Resolution 02923RESOLUTION NC. 2923
WHIEBEAB, storms and floods occurring subsequent to Dacember I, 1942,
°oozed extensive darago to, shad destruption of leverm and othor property wrthrt
the City of Alaniedh, State of California, and
EITERFAD, the estimaten coot of the neressary remulanng ropair ond
restoration thereof is the sum of Orb Hundred. and Immaty -three Thousand. Three
Hundred and Twenty-two and. nc/100 Dollars (123,322.00), and.
MIERFAED by Obaptem 1071, Statbtes of 1943: the sur ct Fire Ennarod.
Thousand Dollars ::t:560,000) is appropriated.. to the Emergerny Fund. provided. for
in Item 221 of the Budget Act. of 1040 to be expended.. by the Darartnart of' Ent-
:lac Works obting through the. agenby of the State Emgineem during the ninety -
fifth. and rd_DATLy -sixth fiscal.. years for the cost of regain. and restoretion, or
both, of levees, flood control works, channels, irrigatfmn. workm, city and.
county. roads and bridgeb and other property damaged or destroyed by. storm and
floods subsequent to December I, 1942, providing such work is founa to be a
matter of Eenermi public wri Statm interest and. concern, soon. extenbiture.and
purpose bave been approved by the Director of Finance, and. moneys equal to or
in. excess of ona-hmif of the cost thereof are made available by' applacbtion for
emperdituro by the Dbpartrent of Public Works.
EUE1, THEREDEORE, BE IT REITIVED that application is hereby' made to the
State of California for an allocation of tha sum of Sixty -One Thousand. Six. Nona
dred and Sixty-one and. no/100 Dollars ($61,661.00), from the funds made avail-
able by Ohm provisions of said Chapter lo7a, for the repair and. restoration of
the fellow:1nm iters1
Reconstruction of levee on. Day Fmrm Island extending along the
nbrtherly shore west of the Day Farm Island Dridgb to a point
stere the reconstruction work abcorplished by the State of
CalatToonia and. tae City' of Alameda was completed. in 1942.
Thm work. cormists of placing tra following matemimi in accordw
anhe with tbe enclosed plan:
27,000 cu- yds. :IE 1,10 $ 29,700.00
14,000 tons fair rock 6.00 84,000..00
3,000 tons crusher run 1.25 3,750.00
19747,450,00 -
.86,g1336668 6E and hdtra, , 5,,,8702„00_
BE rh FDIFTEEB HESOLEED that the City of Ale:dodo, County of Alameda,
State of California, does nbreby promise and. agree to mate available, as soon
as received, from the Bay Farm Island Dastoration. funds of the City. of Alameda,
and is willing to deposit Mho sum. of Sixty -cne Thurman:a Six Handred and Sixty -
orb anb. no/100 Doalars (%14661.00) or suer. part thereof as may be required in
a State controlled. fund for the purpose of' matching such allncation of funds
as the State of California mby makm under' toe provasions of said Chapter. 1071-
I, the undersigned, hereby 3ertify that the foregoing Rbsoistion was
(ruly and regularly introduced end adopted by the Connell. of tne City of Alarbda
in regular meeting obserbied on. tho 5th day of October, 194S, by' the following
vote, to 'Mina
AIESM Councilmen Elro,auflaid, THAve, Johms ann. ?resident Godfrey, (41.
NOES: None-
ABSENT:0 Cmunniinan Osborn, (1).
IF WITNESS TEREEMNIM„ I have hereunto set my hand.. and. affixed the offi-
cial seal. mf. said City" ream Oth day of October, 1943.
1.088448 R FaimE
O-Ity Clark cf the City. AiDedrs