Resolution 02927RESOLUTIOIN , 292:7 SPPROfTINfl " STIPP lififfEITTAL liSMORANDOM ADIREIMENT fr, -Exprftps Tutaf. oft "And C 'PVT GAS TAX ALL OC A, TED Tien; ofsjirE in,broirdE ddiffibbE.S.Si tja c Et ate of C ..fia maign its De bra rimer, t 0 f Icahn GI kb , Div fb ion o f fif...pdafoa yh , hna present ed a first s cabithii bartorandril o f agree:mart in a a co rdanne a project statement submdtted. by 'fife S ft y for ex - pennE tore of the 114 next gas teT for the 1943..a1 biernirm. alloost ed. for State highways in. the City of Slameds ; and allERSSJS, tte city c o arc di tas beard read. said. first s stop Lemettsi. memorandum. of a greement in full ard is Debi liar ;chasm the con Fm ts thereof ;, N , TEEM EffiRE , 3E ES C 13(TEL BY THIS C OUEO OS" THE 0 1 Ob' L AMED ties t safd. f irs t supplemar tal facrimafradam of' a gr e eate n t r expendi tuxe of the G ent ga t ax a id ob s t ed. for Sint e Giyansegis b e end. time same 1S h .bGj approvent and tte Mayor and .re Citystiterk direb t en. to edits; tn e same on. bidnX1 f p f 3 add C it yt under.'bibibrie,,i, 1.1ereby tbhb., tb, b: forego LA4,, Res 99.1.9,tion bfabi ,41b,' an a rab,b4lar-4,`,' intro ,,,,I y t Ohorlo 1.1 of bb,..bb b 01: re2u4;23,, jlahl c?..iht-ht.e.d. e 19 " ,a bbf (.‘„ a t sv 192,3, by. AXED : (fittansua, ',more (auxid famv e one s Osborn and Presider t (((jElf soiY ( 5 ) N On .1:1135:317:.! NOD. ,,b'.411,9b,S.'S bbave bbreybr,bc,:b., aff the off,',.- b bbalba 0 lb:by 1„.,,..14,3 abay trbtob,,,,,b, 1943 „ 11711,1,ST. 77575€57.7fre"±)"1)).575),))5.7.7n 5441:4 )4:451'