Resolution 02928237 RESOLOTIOL- NO. 292=S sele.,,no.elo, lee To elce er o etzo re3 e 3co teicon o s y a n eul. r ico i.reteLe Coo c Eel (.1 :icro ted tee C °ono cec e City of J...ane.eota X.' c) 2 9 th C ober, rieel„.?. tof the eAed ye2: ece, to wit: 1 av e her ee.-et e sou dnoi a fri...cee tqe eea 1. of re IO COO.. y 20 t CC= Vc: 11FXRby C:::::rtify that tlaa fcreooine is a fuel, true and cerreot coTcy of e o:t.o tier). c: 2 9 lee-3 IT I "7 " ...Ili] 0 21'..7.17 ro delo ed and opted by th e cunL!..-1.1, c)Iri