Resolution 02949REOCLUTICT. LO. 29412 RDOITESTING CANCELLATION OF YLKES GE PLO if ACOUThRil BY THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR MMEMITAL PURPOSES, 263 WHLMEAR, the parcels oi' real property situoted in the City of Alakodd, County. of Alamoda, State of CaliTornday and partibularly described as follows: Lots 1 to 14 inclunive, in Block 15, as said lots and. block are dulineated and. 20 desisnated. upua that certain map en- titled, "Map of Alameda, Surveyed. (and. Draws. by' dd T. Stratton, 1833" Oli fide in Libor 6 ef flaps at pugs I, in. the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, ravo Seer ossessec nerstolWre for county purnoses ter the fiscal year 1938-1939 and. the taxes levied thereon are uncollocted and. unsaid.; and WHEREAO, after kte tirco said. assessments and.. taxes become a. lien on. • said parcels of real property, to wit, on. April 26, 1918, the said parcels of real property' were acquired for mundripal purposes by( tne City of Alamecr, mauled:pal corporation, by. a certain deed of grant recordad. May 3, 1918, in. Liber 3.626, Page 211, Official Records in. the office of the Coanty Recorder of said. Alameda. Coantyd and WHERBAS, ever since the said. 26th day of April, 1938, the said parcels of' real property. have been and now are, owned by. said City of Alameda, and. nnve beer and now. are being used for public purposes, and because of such. public ownership said reel property. is not subject to sale for delinquent taxes; NEAR "LEGH181111(R BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 03' THE Ciddf OF ALAMEDA that:the Board. of Supervisors of the County of Alameda be, and. it is hureby, reqdespeu. to mokk its order, enti to mare such. further proceedings as may be necessary, to cause all cbcollected. taxes, assessments, renalties or costs charged ot ievied for county purposes upon the ufwresaid. parcels of real property to be cancelled; and. trat a record. of such cancelaation be nada by the officer or officers havirE custody of the record thereof fr akcorddnbe with Mie provi- sions or 81ea11 on 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation Coe.° of the State of California. RESOLVED, ROM:11FR, thrt thd City Clerk forward. 8 certified copy of this resolution furthwdth. to 'Lbw Board of Supervisors of Alomeda County. I, the undersigned, hereby certify' that Vie farezoing Resoldflon was duly etc. reguichly introduced.. and. adopted. bv the Council. of the City. Of' Alameda in regular meetinE asaceaxled on. the 15tn day of February, 1944, by. filo foslowing vote, to vdt: AYES: Councilmen Bwanscheid, Hosa, Jones, Osborn ann Presidant 8ndfreyd (8). NOES N e ABSENT: fluchs. IN WUUNN86 havw norennto set my hand. and. affixed the offi- cial toad.. of mild. City this 16th. day of FebruwrY, 1944. LOP= R (SEAL) 6:12E77 dierk 0 0 v Alamebo I rareby. certify thud. the forsoing bs a full, true ann correct copy of "Resolution No. 291f), REEiU1188ING OASCCII411110-0 SY TAXES OR PBEITRIMPF AOSEIRE3 TEE CITY OM' ASA:MESA -80P. 'MUNICIPAL PURPOSES," introdwced and. adopted bw. the COUL Oil Oh the Itih dey of February, 1944- ear