Resolution 02950RESOLUTION EL. 2950 BPSOLEETAIL APPairmaP61 TEC ErfLUPEITETWLS ME LEE CITY OF Alm,DED51, TC L145,54SLE.bE DAIn MITI CM L COMMITTEE Ur TEE CBTIES OF SLE450,4, AIDAPY, B1kPMEBEE, skliEDVISEML CSManduE 4dD aILDIBU1T -SLR faE 5UBTCMS CP CEPT1L1 E BEITLED DeSPBSeh __sof__ the .1.;IrOYIti'.1 of the cities bordering on the east oida et' 3an Fronbisco Bay Lao for some time past created an uns-maUtary condition MIreavaa Mie depositing of the sewage oi' tne solo. cAties cr the gide lands bordering OD. tne ohorss of said. cities; and WIEDISELS, the Cities of Alameda, Albany) Berkeley, Emeryvaile, Oakland and 5dedmont enterea Into an agreement of cooperation for tne purpose of condbmt- ing a sarvey Ss determine tha best ways and means fer Idle collaction, treatment omm 'disposal e5 sewage and. industrial wastes of tne said. Sass Bay cities; and WEEPIES, the Board of' Consulting Engineers esbloyed by. the said cities maLe and submitted thmir report dated Junm 5B, 1941, entitled. "Report upon the Collection, Tremtment and Disposal of Sewage and IrStustrial Wastes of the East 'day Oitims, California," an WHEREAS, said.. report reopmEende the inplusion within ekm project, re- ferred to "therein as Idmoject it, of "tble c.i.pies; Alameda, Albasy, Bereloym Emeryville, Oakdad. amd. Piedmont; and. 151-11M4IAS, in. 1941 the Imislatore of the 3tate of Ceddforua amhh.ded the Mmnicipoi Public. Utility district Aot, CaLoter 1.218, Statutes of 1521, page 245, as amended, by which. it was provided, in Section 15d thereof, thmtvene or more specisi ddstricts for sewage disposal purposes may be created. within thm boundAfies of a utiLity districtd and. MIBEREAS, it is deemed. advisable that Comridteo of two representatives from each.. of the plties involvea be appointed. by thm CcanBil of soon City to repro - sebt said cities in presenting tne interests of the said. cities before tae Board of Llreotors of tbm East may Municipal Ittity District; now, taerafors, be jA PESO:177Th That Don, C. McMillan, City Manager, and tM C. addfroy, Mayor, Se., and Lady are .aebeby, appointed. tO represent flte uity t Alameda, as nembers of such. Crtraittes; and be it SOMS1Edi1 BESOLVDS: That said membems of such, Coma.ttco, repreoputifg the City of Alamm6a afe hmreby matnorized and. directed tO report to this Courmil the steps to De taken ay the spict cities in Enstamrias mrmotdon. at" a sewnmso Olo- posal miotrimt. I, Lae onoarsighed, heresy certify tnat tbe foregoing Resolution was duly anh regularly introdumed and adoptpd by hae Ocunoil of the City. of Alameda In regular sleeting asoemPleu en ttm 9th say of March, by tam following vote, to ABIZo ConstA11avvo ifrottochmid, bamve, Pores, Osborn end President Godfrey, thIED ; Lore . IL TiTBLES .Anfidsvd, says hareanto set my aond ord. affixed tam official seal el" sulk. City tais Sth. day oV Mdran, 1944, 1,0dEmE 5m DU dbm (.5111no1 City Clech of 14y 1 lacreuy ccrtify tta5 tue forced:by lo a Boim, orde :ALC. ,t,oltty t t.',1 titt t ttn tt!ttt , ttt 5.140 EEDI-id DELT DM VIE, ,115 51,.111, CST'S OE oteitILLB "50 tran-14.15.51 dold Pitt OBE1111PELD -1P ESTIP:13 rto-1,11DA „At„PA,A'y fHApd PAPhYPJA.,,fh, ulthahP AAA PEISPLav BOB bad- Dir,DoMn Mk' Caoffant5 ELEnOL DISPCOL, vIDEn1Cf," introdvdmo old oBspfad ,p.„. Mud Onaboll day Jf Earch,