Resolution 02951011012111.212 116 . 2 951 ,112-111.101:21 FAO SIL'ILI "1111...112101A TURES 011 - aaT T022,1 (1.„11111(1! K.730 11LaS 612/12.2., , th a t e 21a al. 21au t Company, a ctias as an ay,eney of and solder the direcsion sk.d. supsrvision of Itie Office of Pride fsexinistnution and. respensible only to tato Office of Price Administration, be, and it is hereby, reqx.ested, authorized add directed to honor ratios. checks, as defined is. said order, drawn. is. tills mahloisal corporation's name when beeri.ng or purportins; to dear the facsimile signature of any. one of tile followUrsEy. DAlit) 1111.101HES dr Sensing EJ:1 a t or eignaturas reseriblirdt„ Mae above specie-tens , n..i3b0svxD shst tnis reaoldtior anent duterseme sre provisions of Resolution Ito. 288') inconsistent h.erewith. s * * * e * * * I, 'the unesinsitwsti, :hereby. certify. dist foreseih fiesointion wpm duly anti reguisrly introdumed. and adopted by thm Gosumil of Wde City cf. Ademee in regular ,reetims amsembiod or. the fth day March, 1944, by the follswir, vote, to wit, fMrpannep drusocueld, hmwo, vosos, and Sretisern, Godfrey, (.5) StSES, None, Aft:SENT: Tense, WdflibiieS hddittia0F, I have Sereuntiv set fay hand aria affixed tem catri- ,,Yhet ;:"..;8.1i (1 City 1:7;t1 day of dirrch, den Smreby certify Sksat foresoihs: a fuie., trno correct copy of "Sesciu ti on Lo 29'51, Aifidi(kninSOUSO,- SSACStindaSE didnedAnfteE inSSfStad enletni3," Isokstaltnal (nal adopted by the Coumoil or 'La a '2 th day of iknech,