Resolution 02954ROSCOOTDON NO. 2954 AffriterCESING 3.131-Elkl CP SPECILAL Clat3033 Of' THE Ofklf OE ALADEDA THE BUREAU OF ThE CENSUS OF ifs)] Isistdwit, tkudatosertitthat af'sfu] EXEC TTION dra AtUdITTIETTP CrWilEATi Calla PlIfIA',CA.22 OF ITU:1 CTAIBUS ATM CATE CidEf DE' ALSICEllt FnUl THE EITKENG CUICAPJS; SIOD All,AtOtAlifffISG TUNIU; Esial_UTE _ WHEPEAS, the City of Alameda, under lids arovisienm of Secs. 194. and 203 or toe Streets enc. DisThways Colo, Sec. 11005 of the 2mvonue aad IhEatieh Cofte, and Sec. 11 of Chapter 302, dtatutes of 19551 page 1312, as amended, received. arm n.1.111y from. the Departcent ha Public Works anal. the hotar Vehicle Department of the 2tuMe of California certain orisys the amount of.' which is oetermnneo on Whe basis of ponalatdon. of the pity. as shown by the Skst fedtral coneas; aad onbu068, CbaGter o8i, Stetutes of i923, PaSe 2154. ekovides tract any. oity whose population hoz oeen. substandlaily incimased. since tlfe lase federal. census IfiEly apply to tne United States Careen. of the Census to determine the Lc, - crease population and that the cost of .srly investigation by said insited States Dareau of' tne Census snala„ be a proper charge acfafbzt 'the City; and. WHEREAS, sinoe thm taking of. the last federal census the population of tat,. City of Alameda dad greatly increased. anh Ace deteralriation ceatificasion of suct increase in population will. result in a substantial increase in the moneys. receJ ved by the city under 'Life arovisienz of law herelnhefore rofeared to and. it is tnerelmre in. the public Laterest tflat such increase kn. population be officialUy amterroCtod and certified by the taking of a cenEna ef the population of the City or AlaMeaa; ana. WEEPEAS, sursueht to Authorization of thAs Council the City Managa of the City. of Aihmee heretofore requested. tte Esreas of thm Conaus of the United 'states that a snecial denatiS of tne dishy Alameda be taken by said Eureau. and the Secretary. of Commerce of Use United States has directed. the takin3 of said special census unatr ...he direction. End. supervision. of the oureau of tie Ceneden, and hafEiELS, a forra en agreement fo CO ffahm ana entered int° detween Ute Oity Altmeda ond J. C. Capt, Director of the Bureau Of' the Census of the United. States, containinA: flaa teams, okreements and condi.tiene fof the. taffin of said. special census bos been submitted. to this doancirt.. at its reguitr meetinj., held. Iforct. 7, 1944 und which form of agreement hes bean. onnahod flied witn. tap oify Clerk as of Earob. 7, 12413 and is horehy referred. to and fincorporstee. kored.. by taktimace; and VPIETEDC2, it it provided. in. daid azfsehent that upon on-mention and d detVeny thereof trle City en aleasepa sidatc deneeit in tne nand of Acerica Trust acE Sakings Association. in the name of fle• Dideoter df" the Cehsam ur of hie authorized. and desIgnsten representative Gne sum of' '.;,141.30.00 to :popsy. as fier'hAfect of. account or tat. heopeuary expense of fakifIZ eeen special conaas as more fully' Sent feraen Said edninedde; ;IOW, theleadOnep BE IT RESCIATET) BY TIE Chekddhe CL M2 oily OF Eridthah as folMeas I. That the. ford., of hwureement Uetween the City. of Alomed sat. the Di- rector of tae Census referfea to la tne preamble aedeot ham.. take terca, agreements and. paevis ions thereof bp, a.L6A the Oaten aro phony or adored . 2. Thaf the City :na,,ded,Cf of the diey Gf Alucod co, unn es is repose', soffericod kph, di:a:CI:on a0 afeeite aed deljeen, tan end on Luouir of the City of Oloassa, an rwrenraft solstaftlally IL hhe foalf uha stateintut, pau tos0s, adue- conts sad prorkil ens Set foren in cue cforesmai Uatra no' ad:fee:Lent. 2. That ape snn on E4,000.0a be, aro the saka ft foreba, chuatrariated trot tat dons-nal Etna of the Ofty (70b Contaraent Pond hischlinfecus and set, holle ler tne eurcese of' defray:ma tde coht don elfeencieures pc oe la - CrWroP i:f; connection witt tbe to.hin,L of sold shocia. ouhsre ate for tie oadia of Pao Loydsoneo traria:tau to pe mope In chit effacement. 4. What ti.001; delietany tn the city uf the eltarchoft acreerent daly etecsaho, tup Atinl LOC dna fkte treasarer of' las C,ty of' Aiscala eaed Of tne 16, heroay ...Antherlheu add directed to iaeide a ard.d.lat agolust Pho otty tape- stry Cr:r P..! :En of '20 „ 00 are to OPT-Molt dojo ife ied-re,te ;ifdat Savias Association fp Was caddit 3f ume Disoitor of the Duress of' the (fermi:ha, tce anittec stol.ps ur of Pis soul,. Edited eud oesi st a ark yy3yros,,,321b.:,,-..:, v ps a apEocit on ad.-assist of." tine eeennifttaaf tC de ifeettneed by the La:seater in Woo trills::: on ar:o oes sot s 6,3„i -,s1 3 a d :6" ..P16 6. iy tUe taitie)a)wiThieii, hereby ceriTy that yhe orewwing. Resolution was galy ()Ina. regularh,i int,70000300. ana. ehopteg. tahe Council. of' the City of Alameda. nh regular meeting asseAliii,d. on tite rth day of March, 19.(1...U„ by the fol.:owing vote, to wit: 1Quatrev, ICTEC: 'vv 00 003 '00 CT 700010,700,10 :Tones, Oatui IT anal. FreAilth)wit (5). ncao,3 TA' 0 n e. ATeaRilT: WHITTECT, I have AelhaAato het) ray hand and affi(hed the offi- cial seal of said. City tgls Sth day of Throb., 1RW4( )13:51ATTE, City of Alar.rigiTir-- hohea,Q curti(ifi ecat Ali., fohe),:wing is a tali, aaa c).iheat copy at' "Resolgtior Ro„ 211)54, 1R7a11,101UTIRi'! Al1QQ1CaChaifV":1 TR7 rrincioqi- CZ A ")))RECiWa (111)1,1iSUS 111)-( TAT) Cjlif AlAihaA Ar 1iThaAT OF 2RE CLat1)1i)5 11,7»' la(1:)-.1] jir7.iti111 (-111AAT]aS; ,,failltDRIZ- 1(1111A TYltilUITLY OF 1).1i A,i-PAET.11(311' ...)11.1.,1915J71):21 ThE 11)T.:5(11CTOR UT TrT 0711(111).Q1.1.1 AQD 1115-11).(1 Cii1i RD' A')i)1:1":„aa 21UR :211(11 TAKT1:11J 02 '":,ii11) taiiSUS; ih() ARFATPLIATTPC1 11(TUT:111 WQ11( 1115:1:11 (10:111l" TAEnaiT,' introU:.lana enh arlopteh by ',-.)(e Coancfal on tite 7if uthy of h.:arca, ')A4(