Resolution 02957LOINOLUIION LO. 2957 tESOLVED III THE COUNCIL LOC TH-IL CITY OF ATsan),A ae friloco: of the City is tereby 21 2)27.2121727322 the urrarsigned, reraby (I:efTI,iiy 'teat 'LOLL Zoregoing decoaution -ras duty and. rentorly leLtroobeen aad adepLed ey -Una Coe:reit of tne OULy of Alameda reodular otretitig eeeembled on 'cite a„th dos eN ApriI, 1)12, by the friiNtng deunribmen bronsonrie :Linne, Osborn. ard ProsineNt 4edfrey, annSEIIi Gearcited Jones, LorieLLE , nave tearE.-..,e.Lonto sot Lay .nalin LIrla 8. fl irk CI CI If — iaheiNULd P. NJTATIN City. itnere: 0.r ity tor ne„, earth:nay t„ri u the ILtreeritrie 2 ee ape_ cednLnetra ropy ur diLdnueLtilnioit 957 AINICONCCE INONIONELIN OTOLtil " 2 h carried cy Lae Council on one ran dey of aprIL, itced4.