Resolution 02959drh.d0o00:01. fad,. .drSo.fd "hi POkuSik arts Caffk rs' huidefiOs that ane apries of the position of Taigtapos shatil be as follows: Tinetof rhd sapeuvision of the °tidy lanager and/or of the heaU of the depaftmest hither whose. jaTisuictieh such. nosition is establiched, to cumesp, Uust anh perfewu. other routine :tanual cleardrg tasks in ani. about offices, halls and. other hishss is. public. buildins; to ',soh and was floors. wr.P. sdsh dOWS; to torn. out lisht aha hewer paPlic so cress. wasp focus ouc. re - pisLish. toilet supplies; LO do related woidk as requatadd. ry fse allsorsignear hefecy feotify- that fore.roing Usaofffion was duly and. usrlaull..y inrush:If:0:0d and. adopted P.,,o the Councik. of the Oily of ,I..elmecta in. regular 'weetin,r asserabied on tau Sth. day of Anfil., 1941,, by- t.h., fellowines. vote, to told: hOra: Wonsa, IdIda,01,11, e woo Liman dohs ) roffirdESS dr.ldaErF, I ":1:71,,Te hereunto set fist hand hhd. attired. tale offi- cihi esal. ar' Wity faits clay of April, 1942,- et' tttnt th. l'Ore,::',Ctl.rt tt'u..E.:, anti orruthst copy' of dr.ssoidation lush .29,dok letbariCd.r.dolle0 ratidtk,.. Oid ifirytTRESs, dill:Proposes aka sachroC. oy tne Council oe. the 4va aay or th.0 2tternecta