Resolution 02960SSD,. it Cs FIX-TinG SSOLAPOS JAiFOi,SESS T1,2 SLCInfiCibi The salary nor 3. 31E; r.',0 t cni' Janitress th, the .isilhintsteative Departidenst, in too he3,s3by oos nititesh, Class le: pot' es:sets SECTION 2, .,nor the purposes of this. ressletion, class sesignetions al.Teanins after the titi,33 Of 1333,3itiO3). 1.. .es seepectiedy inhisas ail eni- picTees who i,lavo he en '1 33336 sohvioe of Ohe City in. soon posicion for penises C'ho.s t iSSe; Oisoo liars than sly, meathe, lin SO OTIS'S:A:Sri .!..3133330.LND that incite post:Sons of' Resciejoisia No. 2894. and. all other ressistiono on parts theosof ociroltnist herewith ono, to the suoll con:r.1:10-5, z::ereDy rescissed snd onsuilea. ths anderstsnes, hereby sernify bbat bhe feregoin3 „seseiution was duly orsi rEssiAlosi;,. introdl,toed arod adopted by oho Cosisell of the: City of eb_Laneds scessois eseesisled on the i„th Say of rolleselbos vete, 'no 2 Osuneiirsen 121.sineche.,..,1„ }bails, Osborn end Fresident ,lod:Orei„T„ OnCeibbbSS ,Sihnh6F, her,.::ennto siet, noy oesh. sou si.lixed loos prin..- Clty this .5-th day cif April, - 7-777,72-7 true soil co2.:.::r:a 11 11 < ul ehboosicine ers eel:host ey Ocosoifit con en, '