Resolution 02998AESOLGTIOS RO. 2998 TR.AESIDEZEING FTENDS FIECEI THE GENEEE'EL FETED CERT.AIN SINKIEU DIENDS TEILCITY OE' Alb WHEREAS, there are now on. hand in ond. to the credit of the General Fund of the City of Alameda, dnd thbre ba remaining on hand in said Gbneral. Fund at the and of the fiscal ywar endine: June 30, 1944, certain. unencumbered. SUTpiUS funds in excess of . LOW., THER.3.7E0P22, ET Id' RESULTED DT 'DIED ODENCTI OF THE CITY OF ALILEGA rUilOWS: SECTION 1. The sin of iES8,67992 is hereby transferral from. the Obneraa. T5mid of tab Git. of Alameda to, and. appropriated and set apart for, that certain. sinking ftahi known as Iviiinicipal improvemmnt Fund. Eb. d, Sinking Fund.", established. by Ordinanbe No. 460, passed October 21 1.002, for the payment of principal and interest COMLISZ dae on cuinisipal improvement Poses of the City of Alameda authorized by said ordinance and. issued. and. dated April, 1, 1908. SECTION 2. The sum of S28,157.78 is hereby transferred from the General. Fltril of the bity of Alameda to, and appropriated and sat apart for, that certain. isiRkin Tura. known. as "Mlinicipai imnrovement Fund 1W„ 9, Sinkilig Fund", established. by Ordinance Ed. 544, dossed March 15, 1910, for the payment of principal and. in- terest. coming due. on. .mbulcipal improvment bonds of the. City of Alameda outtorited. Ly said ordinance anb. issued. and. dated June, 1, 1910. SIEURadh 3. The sum of *28,971278 is limreby transferred from the General. Fund of the City sf' "llamado to, and appropriated aad set apart for, that certain sinking fund. known as "Municipal improvement Funn. no. 10, SinkAng Funbf, established. uY Ordinance no. 599, Passed imam 2, 4912, for tile paymont of prinbical 8320 Interest coming due on municipal iinprovenent bonds of the City of Alameda authorized by sad ordinance ann. issued. and. eated November a, 1912. GEO11011 4- Ina SUM Of V:';85644.6U is heresy transferred from. the Genera:1. tbna. of the City of Aiameds to, and appropriated and set apart for, that certain. sinEiny, fund known. as "Municipal 'Improver:fent Fund No. 11, Sinking establianbd by Ordinance Ho. 48, New Series pansad Thine 8, 1015, for the payment of principal. orb interest doming due on. municipal introvement bdndn of the City of eiamedei au - thoribet by said ordinance, anB. known. and. dasiFnated as "Sntacioal. frinrovetEnt Bonns or 1.9'5", and. issued and. dated Tudy a„ 1915. r:::.Ew-facti. 5. Elo. sum. of V92,609.70 13 hereby. transferred from. the Canixobl Fund of tha 011y of' Alameda no, and exibropriated. and oev apart for, ihai certain. sinking fund knbwn as "Bend Innorost and Renanption. IMnd, 1920", established_ by Resolution No. 304, passed May 10, 192U, for the paympnt of principal interest domias dub on.. municipal Esprovenent bondb cf the City of Aiamoda aatRDrized by sold rescalitioh and designated. as "Sewber Bondbr and itsded and dated Fine I, i92.0. EFLITOM 6, The SUM 01 Si.L0,1Ms.04 101 Rerady trnosreffea Tref, -ms8 ednerai Ibind of tlib City. of Aianbdb to, and appropriated and set apart for, that certain simkinz fund known us "School Bond Interest and Redebtimn Fund, 19'24f, established by Resolution lib. a, passed April lo, 1924., for the payment of principal and in- terest comits duo on municipal. improvement bonhs of the City of Alameda. authorized by said. resolution. ana. besighated. as "School Bonds" and. issued and dated Jbly in 1924. SDOTION 7. The Auditor and the Treasurer cf the City of 4lomedo ore hereby authorized ann airectes. to maRe soon and. all of tne transfers hereinbefore provided to de made and to cause a record of such transfers to be maae in their respectivd books. I, the underePtsned, hereby certify that Mao foregoing Resolution. was duly and reguiarly lniroducbd ona adopted. ay the Council of the (7.iv of Alamedo in. reguiso meatibb asoemccied on the 20tt day. of Tans, 1944, by tne reladwinz vote, in wit: MED: Godfroyi (5. Duduciirm Dranockrin, dome, oores, boaddn ord President ABSETT: None. IN SIENESE WHEREOF, I have. hereunto sot my. hard and affixed the offi- cial send ef said City this 21st day of Runs, 19A.A. (SAL/i 777 vve 'Ev-" I hereby certify thaU the foregoinE is a full, true and correct copy of 2Rbsolution he, 2998, TRANSFERRIEO. FUNDS FROld ThE GENERAL, TEED TR CERTAIN SINTING 'RUNIC OE UNE CITY OF ALbEEDA," introduced. and adopted. by. the Council on nes 20th day' of June, IRA4. e0-echlue e. 0i1N Olers of thZed ty of Aiehe3da